


2017-05-02 11:53



  post vt 指派;布置;委派We posted a guard to keep watch.我们派了一名卫兵站岗。

  keep sb posted 使了解最新的情况Keep me posted. 随时把消息告诉我。

  powder vt.在…搽粉She powdered her face before going to dinner.她去参加晚宴前往脸上搽了粉。

  practical adj (指人)做事机敏的He has a practical partner who organizes everything for him. 他有个很能干的伙伴,替他把一切弄得井井有条。

  n 实践考试;实践课 a physics practical一堂物理实践课

  practically adv.几乎; 简直She's practically always late for school.她上学几乎总是迟到。

  practice n惯例, 常规I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice.


  【真题例句】Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP),

  perhaps it is the time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School.纽约哥伦比亚商学院的伊利·诺姆建议说的确正如有公认的会计准则一样,


  practise/-ice vt 养成…的习惯practise children in discipline培养孩子们遵守纪律的习惯

  precious adj矫揉造作的adv.〈口〉很, 非常

  She was a precious, old-fashioned lady in her 90's.她是一个90多岁的、过分讲究的旧式老太太。

  Precious few people can afford prices like that.没有什么人出得起那个价钱。

  preface vt.作为…的开端She prefaced her remarks by an apology.她以道歉的话作为开场白。

  作为…的序言, Each chapter is prefaced by a short introduction.都有一个简短的介绍作为每章前面的序言。

  prejudice vt不利于, 损害Your bad spelling may prejudice your chances of getting this job.


  premier adj.最好的, 最重要的She attends Britain's premier university.她就读于英国最好的大学。

  premium n[C]【商】加价,溢价Hard-to-get theater tickets can be bought at a premium. 紧俏的戏票能以高价买到。

  【商】优惠(让价);附赠礼品If you buy three you get a premium of one more, free.你买三可再送一个赠品。

  adj 特级的,特佳的premium gasolines特级汽油

  preparation n配制剂;制备品The druggist suggested a preparation to relieve the ache.药剂师建议配一种止痛剂。

  preserve vt腌(肉等);把...做成蜜饯(或果酱);把...制成罐头食品[(+in)]We preserve fish in salt. 我们用盐腌鱼。

  n蜜饯;果酱[P1][U]Mother used to make peach preserves. 妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。

  (动植物)保护区;禁猎区[C]No hunting is allowed in the preserve. 保护区内禁止打猎。

  独占的活动领域She regards negotiating prices with customers as her special preserve.


  press n 人群The little boy was lost in the press.这小男孩在人群中丢失。

  报刊;新闻界;记者们;通讯社[the S][G]The power of the press is very great. 新闻报刊的力量是极大的。

  新闻舆论;报刊评论[S]The government's new policy received a good press. 政府的新政策受到新闻舆论的好评。

  强调;坚持I don’t wish to press the point.我不想强调这一点。

  压力He works best under press. 他在压力下工作最出色。

  pretty adj【反语】糟糕的pretty mess一团糟

  previous adj过早的, 过急的Don't be too previous about refusing.别过急地拒绝。

  prey vi 诈取Strong animals prey upon weaker ones.弱肉强食。

  (疾病等)折磨; 使苦恼; 损害; 消耗(on, upon) Remorse preyed upon his mind.悔恨使他内心痛苦。

  prince n[C]巨头, 巨子His father is a merchant prince.他的父亲是一位商业巨擘。

  principal n(sing.)资本, 本金There is a shortage of principal.资金有些短缺。

  print vt冲洗(照片)This snapshot hasn't printed very well.这张快照印出来不太清楚。

  prize vt.珍视, 珍惜Mother prizes her best china.母亲珍藏着她的最好的瓷器。

  (值得)极有价值的竞争目标To some men wealth is the greatest prize in life.对一些人来说,财富是人生最有价值的东西。

  n. [C](战时在海上)捕获的船只(或货物);俘获品,战利品

  The fox raided the henhouse and ran off with its prize. 狐狸袭击鸡舍,接着带着俘获物逃走了

  proceeding n诉讼, 诉讼程序She started proceedings against her husband for divorce.她提出与她丈夫离婚的诉讼。

  会议记录; 公报He carefully read the proceedings from last meeting.他认真阅读了上次会议的记录。

  process n.程序,方法vt. 加工,处理

  【真题例句】 Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government’s Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time-consuming, and will work in truly extreme cases.


  【真题例句】Playing video games encourages immediate content. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way. 【2007年阅读新题型】


  produce vt.出示, 提供He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so.当验票时, 他出示了火车票。

  引起; 导致Hard work produces success.努力工作就会成功。

  【真题例句】Laughter dose produce short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels,bosting heart rate and oxygen consumption.【2011年完型】


  出版; 上演The troupe produced a new play last night.剧团昨晚上演了一部新剧。

  product n乘积The product of 4 and 10 is 40.四与十的乘积是四十。

  profession n同业,同行[the S][G]The teaching profession claim that they are badly paid. 教师同行们声称待遇太差。

  He is a leading member of the medical profession. 他是医疗行业中首屈一指的医生。

  声明;表白[C][(+of)]She did not believe in his professions of love. 她不相信他的爱情表白是真的。

  promise vi给人以...的指望;预示He promises highly.他的前途远大。

  vt有...的可能[+to-v]It promises to be fine tomorrow. 明天有希望是个好天气。

  n[U][S]希望, 前途You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back.

  你有希望成为音乐家, 但是缺乏实践会影响你的发展。

  【真题例句】Hofstadter says our country’s educational system is in the grips of people who “joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise.”


  proof adj不能入的, 耐... 的, 防...的, 不能穿透的This room is proof against sounds.这个房间隔音。

  n检验,考验[C]Let us put his theories to the proof. 让我们来检验一下他的理论。

  (酒精、酒类的)浓度标准[U]Brandy of 90 proof is about 45% alcohol. 九十度的白兰地酒精浓度为45%。

  【印】校样;(版画和照相的)样张[C][U]The author had corrected the proofs. 作者已经改正了校样。

  property n性质, 特性, 性能These plants have medicinal properties.这些植物具有药物效用。

  道具 She was responsible for buying the properties for the television series.她负责为那个电视剧买道具。

  prospect vt. 勘探;勘察They are prospecting the region for oil. 他们正在该区勘察油矿。

  vi. 找矿,勘探[(+for)]Some geologists are prospecting for oil here. 一些地质学家在此勘探石油。


  The salesman called on several prospects. 推销员拜访了好几个可能成为主顾的人。

  protest vt. 力言,断言,声明[+(that)]The defendant protested that he had never been near the scene of the crime.


  province n范围, 职责, 领域;本分;职责;职权

  Sales forecasts are outside my province—you should discuss them with the sales manager.


  That kind of work is not in my province.那种工作我可承担不了。

  provincial adj.偏狭的;保守的乡气的,粗野的;地方性的;偏狭的

  The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre. 此人显示出对戏剧界的守旧态度。

  His art is primitive and provincial. 他的艺术原始而粗野。

  provision n规定;条款[C][+(that)]; 食物;粮食;给养[P]

  According to the provisions of this agreement, you must continue to work for them another two years.


  Provisions were kept in the storehouse. 食品放在仓库里。

  pulse n豆类[P1]Peanuts, fish and pulses are rich in protein. 花生米,鱼和豆类含有丰富的蛋白质。

  pump n. [C]灌注(知识);倾注[(+into/upon)]He pumped funds into the new project. 他向新工程注入资金。

  唧筒似地运动His heart pumped hard. 他的心跳得很厉害。

  盘问;用话刺探出(秘密等)[(+out)]Don't let them pump you. 不要让他们向你探问情况。

  上下抽动, 使劲地握(手) He pumped my hands. 他握着我的双手使劲地摇着。

  punish vt粗暴地对待, 痛打He punished his opponent with fierce punches to the body.他猛击对手的身体。

  【口】折磨;损害My boots were punished by our long trek in the mountains.


  【口】大量消耗;贪婪地吃喝He punished my pizza. 他大吃我的烤馅饼。

  purchase vt赢得,获得,努力取得We treasure this dearly purchased victory.我们珍惜这以惨重的代价赢得的胜利。

  pure adj纯理论的; 非实用的It's entirely pure research.这完全是纯理论研究。

  purple adj词藻华丽的, 华而不实的 He has a taste for purple prose.他喜欢风格华丽的散文。

  purpose n意志; 毅力; 决心I know she is steady in her purpose.我知道她意志坚定。

  purse n钱; 资财Who ever holds the purse rules the house.有钱就有势。

  款项, 奖金The footballer was unwilling to play for a purse of less than $1, 000, 000.


  quarrel vi不同意;挑剔You can't quarrel with the decision of the court; it's very fair.你不能反对法院的判决,它判得很公正。

  quarter n方向; 地区; 城镇的一部分地方,地域[P1]

  He traveled in all quarters of the earth when he was young. 他年轻时曾周游世界。

  queer vt.把...弄糟, 损坏, 破坏queer sb.'s plans破坏某人的计划

  使觉得不舒服, 使陷入窘境[不利地位]

  His cheating on the final queered his chances of graduation.他在大考中作弊影响了他的毕业。

  quiet adj (举止的)沉着, 镇静The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor. 这个女孩子的态度娴静而谦逊。

  朴素的(颜色), 柔和的a quiet color柔和的颜色, 素色

  (市面)萧条的, (生意)清淡的Business is quiet at this time of the year.生意处于淡季。

  quiz vt提问, 询问, 盘问The police quizzed the suspect.警察盘问了那个嫌疑分子。

  rabbit vi【主英】【口】闲扯[(+on/about)]He kept rabbiting (on) about the poor pay. 他不停地抱怨薪水低。

  race n [C]河海中的急流 a tidal race 潮汛

  rack vt使受极大痛苦,折磨He was racked by doubts. 疑虑折磨着他。

  尽力使用;过度使用Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他绞尽脑汁却连一个例子都想不出来。

  racket n.喧嚷,吵闹声[S]The young men in the next room made such a racket last night.昨夜隔壁房里那些年轻人大吵大嚷。

  繁忙的社交;欢宴;花天酒地[the S]She is tired of the racket of modern life. 她对现代生活中的社交应酬已经厌烦了。

  【口】敲诈;骗局;非法勾当[C]He is involved in gambling and prostitution rackets. 他涉入赌博和卖淫的非法生意。

  【俚】【幽】行当,职业[C]I found myself in the psychoanalysis racket. 我发觉自己适于做精神分析行当。

  严峻考验;逆境[the S]I am too old to stand the racket. 我太老了,经不起这种折腾了。

  vi. 喧嚷,大声吵闹[(+about/around)];忙于社交应酬;花天酒地[(+about/around)]

  The world is racketing around at an ever madder pace. 人世喧嚣,节奏越来越快,简直令人发疯。

  She's been racketing around among the nabobs. 她一直与大富翁为伴,过着花天酒地的生活。

  rag vt. 【口】和...开玩笑;对...恶作剧Some kids ragged him about his big ears. 有些小孩子拿他的大耳朵开玩笑。

  n联欢会 the college rag 大学募捐联欢活动

  rage n (风浪、火势等)狂暴,肆虐[C][U]The wind is in a rage. 狂风肆虐。

  强烈的欲望,狂热[C][(+for)]He has a rage for collecting stamps. 他有集邮的癖好。

  风靡一时的事物[the S]Big earrings are the rage now. 大耳环是现在流行的东西。

  vi猖獗,肆虐,激烈进行The fire raged. 大火熊熊燃烧。

  raid n/vi劫掠;挖取(指从竞争对手处挖人)[C][(+on/upon)]v (财)抛售抛出(股票)

  The hungry children made a raid on the pantry. 饥饿的孩子把食品柜洗劫一空。

  The university is out to raid faculties from coast to coast. 那所大学要到全国各地去挖教授。

  rail vi责骂;挑剔;抱怨[(+at/against)]He is always railing at his bad luck. 他老是抱怨自己运气不好。

  raise vt筹(款);招(兵);集结They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金

  提出;发出None of them raised any objection. 他们谁也没提出反对意见。

  引起;惹起 His long absence raised fears about his safety. 他长期不在引起了大家对他的安全的担心。

  rake n. 倾角,斜度; [U] 花花公子;放荡的人,浪子[C]the rake of the stage 舞台的倾角

  The rake of the theater floor is a bit too steep. 剧场的地板斜度太大了一点。

  vi. 放荡;过浪荡生活

  vt. 使倾斜The wings of the aircraft are raked. 这架飞机的机翼是做成倾斜状的。

  range n射程, 距离This weapon can kill at a range of 200 yards.这种兵器在200码射程内有杀伤力。

  闲荡, 漫游[S]She takes her dog for a range every afternoon. 她每天下午牵着狗闲逛。

  vi.变化Prices range from £6 to £10.价钱从六英镑到十英镑不等。

  vt徘徊, 走来走去; 漫步vt在...来回走动, 漫游于

  range through woods在森林里来回走

  We ranged the woods looking for a place to set up our tents. 我们在树林里东走西跑, 找个地方搭帐篷。

  rank adj臭气难闻的;(味道等)令人讨厌的[(+with)]The rank smell of vomit reached me. 我闻到了呕吐物的臭气。

  极端的;昭然若揭的rank injustice极端的不公正

  rapid n. 急流;急湍[P][G]The canoeist succeeded in going over the rapids. 操独木舟者成功地渡过了激流。

  rat n卑鄙小人, 叛徒But you promised to help us, you rat!可是你答应过要帮我的忙, 你这言而无信的小人!

  rate vt. 对...估价;对...评价[O]How do you rate our chances of success? 你估计我们成功的可能性有多大?

  认为;列为He was rated one of the richest men in Texas. 他被认为是得克萨斯州最富有的人之一。

  值得,应得That hotel doesn't rate five stars at all. 那家旅馆根本够不上五星级。

  raw adj(伤口等)露肉的,擦掉皮的;刺痛的

  His heel is raw because his shoe doesn't fit well. 因鞋不合适,他脚后跟擦破皮了。

  阴冷的,湿冷的It is a raw winter day today. 今天是一个湿冷的冬日。

  无掩饰的;写实的 a raw portrayal of working-class一幅工人阶级生活的真实的写照

  ray n微量, 丝毫There isn't a ray of hope left for us.我们连一线希望也没有了。

  reach n (手、能力、智力、影响等)可及之范围[U][(+of)]

  The insecticide was put out of the child's reach. 杀虫剂放在孩子拿不到的地方。

  (智力、影响等的)范围,理解力What you have done is beyond the reach of my imaingination.你做的一切是超出我的范围。

  read vt.显示; 标明The clock reads four-twenty.这钟显示的时间是4点20分。

  获悉He reads the news lately.他最近获悉这个消息

  理解How do you read the sentence?你怎样理解这句话?

  adj (常用以构成复合词或用作表语)有学问的,通晓的[(+in)]He is well read in American history. 他通晓美国历史。

  reading n读数, 仪表指示数What is the temperature reading for that moment?那个时候温度计读数是多少?

  readily adv无困难地,容易地Personal computers are readily available these days. 现在个人电脑很容易地买到。

  ready adj乐意的, 情愿的John is always ready with advice.约翰总是乐于给人出主意。

  (思维)敏捷的He is a ready writer.他是一位才思敏捷的作家。

  立即的He gave a ready answer to my question.他对答如流。

  [用作表语]易于...的; 动辄...的; 简[轻]便的She is too ready with excuses.她总是有借口。

  [用作表语]愿意的, 情愿的; 喜好的; 倾向的be ready to die for the country愿意为国捐驱

  real adj (指收入,价值)有购买力所估定的Real incomes have gone up by 10%.实际收入在过去的一年内已经增长了10%。

  realistic adj 务实的,实际的She is a realistic woman.她是位很实际的女人。

  (指工资或价格)足够的高的;合适的Is this a realistic salary for such a responsible job?是对这样一件责任重大的工作的符合实际的工资吗?

  realize/-ise vt变卖, (因出售、投资等)获得(利润等) He realized$10.000 from his investment.他投资赚了一万美元。

  使显得逼真; 写实These details help to realize the scene.这些细节使场面显得逼真。

  receipt n方法;秘诀;诀窍This, I think, is the proper recipe for remaining young.要想保持青春,我认为这是一个很好的办法。

  recite vt.详述; 列举He recited Israel losses during the war.他列举了以色列在战争中的损失。

  reclaim vt开拓(荒地); 开垦People here are reclaim-ing land from the sea.这儿的人们正在填海拓地。


  He has invented a new method to reclaim valuable raw materials from industrial waste water.


  Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。

  recognition n赏识;表彰;报偿[U][S1]The chemist has won worldwide recognition. 那位化学家赢得举世公认。

  recognize/-ise vt承认…有效[属实]; 认可We don't recognized him to be the lawful heir.我们不承认他为合法继承人。

  赏识;表彰 The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.


  (会议主席)准许...发言 You should wait till the chairman recognizes you. 你应该等到主席准许后才能发言。

  recommend vt使成为可取,使受欢迎[(+to)]His proposal has much to recommend it. 他的建议有不少可取之处。

  付托,托付[(+to)]I recommended my child to her care. 我把孩子托付给她照顾。

  reconcile vt使顺从; 使听从; 使甘心Must they reconcile themselves to their fate?难道他们甘心忍受这种命运吗?

  recover vi恢复【真题例句】 __ [A] Even though __ its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part timers and temporary workers. 【1997年完形】

  [A] Even though [B] Now that [C] If only [D] Provided that


  recovery n. 恢复,找回【真题例句】Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a

  management issue,not atechnical one. 【2007年阅读Text4】


  rectify vt【化】精[蒸]馏, 清除, 净化, 精制, 提纯

  reduce vt使降级,使降职[(+to)] The officer was reduced to the ranks. 这军官被降为士兵。

  使沦落The poor woman is reduced to begging.那个可怜的女人已沦为乞丐。

  reel vt蹒跚地走在(街道上)reel the streets蹒跚地走在街道上

  眩晕, 震颤His mind reeled at the news.他听到这个消息感到一阵眩晕。

  reflect vt思考,反省[+(that)][+wh-] He reflected that he had no right to do this. 他深思后明白他无权做这件事。

  vi深思;反省[(+on/upon/over)] He reflected on his past mistakes. 他反省过去的错误。

  John reflected long over Mary\'s argument. 约翰对玛丽的争辩沉思良久。

  reflection n深思;回忆;考虑;看法A moment's reflection will show you are wrong.只要略加考虑就可看出你错了。

  【真题例句】They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little

  or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment. 他们可以教得很好,



  refreshment n.茶点; 点心The hostess served refreshments after the tennis matches.网球赛后女主人请大家吃茶点。

  regard vt致意; 问候Please give my regards to him.请代我向他致意。

  register vt(用表情、动作)显示, 表达His face registered both surprise and joy.他脸上流露出惊喜交集的表情。

  vi留下印象; 受到注意The name simply didn't register with me.我对这个名字简直没有印象。

  达到;取得This country has registered extraordinary economic progress.这个国家的经济取得了惊人的发展。

  regular n[C] 【口】老顾客,老客户;固定职工,长工

  The barman gave free drinks to the regulars at Christmas. 圣诞节酒吧男侍者免费给老顾客酒喝。

  rehearsal n. [U][C]复述,默述The rehearsal of your answers to the most difficult questions would be helpful in your doctoral defense. 默述最棘手问题的答案对你的博士论文答辩会很有帮助。

  rein n/vt驾驭,控制,统治[P1]Few kings now hold the reins of government. 现在很少有国王是掌握政权的。

  You must learn to rein in your temper. 你必须学会控制你的脾气。

  relate vt 理解同情Some adults can’t relate to children.有些成年人就是不能理解孩子。

  讲述; 叙述Then he related what had passed between them.然后他讲述他们之间发生的情况。

  release n发行,发表;发行物(发行的书或电影等),(发布的)通讯稿,新闻稿[U][C]

  The film is scheduled for release next month. 该片定于下月发行。

  vt【律】放弃,让与(权利、财产等)He released his claim to the property. 他放弃了对财产的要求。

  relief n 替换,接替[U] The relief driver has got here. 接班的司机已经到了。

  浮雕[U] The young man carved a figure in low relief. 这个年轻人刻了一座浅浮雕人像。

  增开的车The coach was full so a relief was put on.公交车太挤了,所以要再增开一辆。


  The hill stood out on sharp relief against the dawn sky.黎明时群山的轮廓在天空印衬下极为明显。

  His integrity stood out in relief from the corruption of certain officials. 某些官员腐化,相形下他的廉正更引人瞩目。

  山和山谷之间的高差a relief map 立体地图

  relieve vt换班, 换岗He will relieve a sick teacher tomorrow.他明天要为一个生病的老师代课。

  remember vt致意, 问候Please remember me to your parents.请代我向你父母问候。

  送钱[礼物]给…She always remembers me at Christmas.每逢圣诞节她总给我送礼品。

  remote adj微小的; 轻微的I'm afraid your chances of success are rather remote.我担心你成功的机会极小。

  remove n.等级, 程度His cruelty was only one remove from crime.他的残忍在程度上仅次于犯罪。

  [C]距离,间隔;一步之差[(+from)]Your action seems several removes from reality. 你的行动似乎有些脱离实际。

  rent n. 裂缝,破洞[C][(+in)]The earthquake left a rent in the wall. 地震使墙上裂了一条缝。

  adj撕裂的;分裂的The party was rent with mutual strife. 该党因互相倾轧而四分五裂。

  repair vt纠正, 补救How can I repair the wrong I have done her?我怎样才能补偿对她做过的错事呢?

  vi常去,大伙儿一块儿去repair to the seaside resorts for the summer大伙儿去海滨胜地避暑

  repel vt使厌恶, 使反感His manner repels me.他的举止让我厌恶。

  repetition n复制品, 副本He has a repetition of a previous talk.他有前次会谈的副本。

  report n传闻; 流言蜚语Report has it that the ballet will visit England before long.据说这个芭蕾舞团不久将访问英国。

  vt.告发, 举报They reported what they had seen.他们把看到的情况作了举报。

  reproach vt污[耻]辱; 有损...的名誉Such doings will reproach him.这种行径会使他丢脸。

  reservation n (美洲印第安部落的)居留地Most of these workers are American Indians living on reservations.这些工人中的大多数是住在居留地的美洲印第安人。

  reserve vt预订或保留(座位、住处等); 订购These seats are reserved for teachers.这些座位是留给老师的。

  n 克制;沉默寡言;含蓄;冷淡[U]He spoke with reserve. 他说话谨慎。

  reservoir n储藏, 汇集Enterprise must have a reservoir of cheap labour.企业应储备廉价的劳动力。

  resolution n解决, 解答;分辨力, 分辨率[度];(会议等的)正式决定,决议[C][+to-v][+that]

  The lawyer's advice led to the resolution of this difficult problem.律师的劝告帮助解决了这个难题。

  There are satellites that supply high-resolution photography.有些卫星能提供高分辨率的摄像。

  We have passed a resolution to build a new laboratory. 我们已通过决议建一个新实验室。

  分析分解 the resolution of white light into the spectrum.将白光分解为光谱的各种颜色

  resource n智谋,机智;应变能力[U] He is a man of great resource. 他是一个足智多谋的人。

  消遣,娱乐[C] Reading is a great resource. 读书是一种极好的消遣。

  respect n细节, 方面The plan is faulty in every respect.无论从哪个方面来看这项计划都不完善。

  responsible adj作为原因的[F][(+for)]

  Heavy rains were responsible for the shortage of vegetables. 大雨是蔬菜短缺的原因。

  rest vi被支撑在,搁在;依赖,依据[Q][(+on/upon)];取决于

  The whole theory rests on a wrong assumption. 整个理论都是建立在错误的假定上。

  【真题例句】Furthermore, it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with

  the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and

  technologists of all kinds.再者显见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高则


  retail vt.传播, 转述He is fond of retailing the news. 他喜欢传播消息。

  revolution n旋转;运行,公转

  The earth makes one revolution around the sun in about 365 days.地球约365天绕太阳公转1次。

  revolve vi细想He revolved the main points in his mind.他脑子里反复思考着这些问题。

  revolve around以...为中心

  A baby's life revolves mainly around its mother. 婴孩的生活主要以其母亲为中心。

  rhythm n周期Human biological rhythms are related to the natural cycle of day and night.


  rib vt【口】嘲弄,取笑They ribbed him for confusing the two words. 他们嘲笑他把这两个字混淆了。

  riddle n. [C]谜一般的人;难题;莫名其妙的事情All she said was a riddle to me. 她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。

  把...打得满是窟窿[H][(+with)]The car was riddled with bullets. 汽车给子弹打得车身上尽是窟窿。

  充斥,布满[H][(+with)]The umbrella is riddled with holes and the rain's dripping down.伞上满是洞,水正滴下来。

  使完全败坏They are riddled with disease.他们彻底病倒了。

  rifle vt. 洗劫,劫掠[(+of)]The thief rifled every drawer in the room. 窃贼洗劫了房内所有抽屉里的东西。

  偷走,盗走The raccoons rifled all the food in the camp. 浣熊窃走了营地的全部食品。

  rim n. [C] (镶在器物周围的)框边His spectacles have gold rims. 他的眼镜镶着金框。

  环绕Mountains rimmed the valley.环绕着山谷的群山

  riot n极度丰富The garden was a riot of colour.花园里色彩缤纷。

  rip let rip (about /against/at sb /sth)speak 慷慨陈词Let rip against government. 猛烈的抨击政府。

  let sth rip 让(汽车、机器)全速前进Let it up!让它全速前进。

  任其发展They just let inflation rip.他们让通货膨胀肆意发展。

  rip sth off 撕掉rip the cover off a book.把书皮撕掉。

  盗窃 Somebody’s ripped off my wallet.有人偷走了我的钱包。

  roast vt.嘲讽;口诛笔伐The critics roasted the elaborately staged work.剧评家将那用心演出的作品评得一文不值。

  rocket vi.飞快地移动The film has rocketed overseas.这部电影以最快的速度传到国外。

  急速上升House prices are rocketing up.房价在飞涨。

  romance n[C,U]虚构The story he told was complete romance.本故事纯属虚构。

  rotate vi(使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环]

  The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。

  rotten adj道德败坏的The man's morals are rotten to the core.那个人道德败坏至极。

  极坏的; 极讨厌的She's a rotten cook.她做的饭很差劲。

  route vt 经由…路线到达The flight is routed to Chicago via New York. 这个航班被安排经纽约飞往芝加哥。

  给...定路线;安排...的程序Our travel agent routed us through Italy. 我们的旅行社安排我们途经意大利的路线。

  royalty n(著作的)版税The writer gets a t 10% royalty on each copy of his book.作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。

  rubbish vt.〈英澳·非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损…The book was rubbished by them.这本书被他们贬得一无是处。

  ruin n[pl] 废墟; 遗迹The abbey is now a ruin.那座修道院现已成废墟。

  run vi 竞赛;竞选[(+for) ]管理;运载;发布;公布

  Will he run for Governor? 他会竞选州长吗?

  He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。

  He will run the goods to Shanghai.他准备把货物运往上海。

  【真题例句】As soon as that report runs, we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign-ups from Ukraine,” says Friedman, a former political science professor. “And we’ll hear back from some of them.” 【2003年阅读Text1】


  rush adj(交通)繁忙的The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事

  sack n/vt 洗劫, 劫掠The invaders put all to the sack.入侵者把所有的东西洗劫一空。

  The invaders sacked the city.侵略者把这座城市洗劫一空。

  safe adj不冒险的, 小心的

  The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.老师任命了一个谨小慎微的学生担任我们的班长。

  salad n菜鸟期I was in my salad day then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、涉世未深,极易堕入情网。

  salt n增添趣味[活跃气氛]的事物 Adventure is the salt of life to some people.冒险对某些人来说是生活中的刺激。

  vt使更有趣He employs an irreverent humour to salt his observation.他运用玩世不恭的幽默使他的评论更加有趣。

  salute vt.祝贺;颂扬Today should be saluted as beginning of a new era.今天应该作为新纪元的开始而载入史册。

  n 致意He saluted his friend by a wave of the hand.他挥手向朋友致意。

  sample vt品尝; 尝试She made us sample her cooking.她让我们品尝她做的饭菜。

  体验;尝试They can learn English and sample the British way of life.


  sanction vt.批准; 认可How can you sanction such rudeness?你怎么会准许这种粗鲁的行为呢?

  n约束力Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this.为遏止这类罪行, 监禁手段是上策。

  sand vt.用砂纸磨光The surface of the table must be sanded down.这张桌子的表面得用砂纸磨光。

  在某物上撒沙, 用沙覆盖The icy roads were sanded after the snowstorm.暴风雪过后, 冰冻的道路被撒上了沙。

  [pl. ]生涯; 寿命the sands of a man's life人的寿命; 毕生的岁月

  sandwich vt.把...夹在中间The child was sandwiched in between his parents.那孩子夹在他父母中间。

  挤出时间做某事 I'm very busy today but I will sandwich that job in after tea.今天我很忙, 不过我将



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