

雅思口语考试之问题种类解答:how often...?

2019-01-21 09:32



  On a daily basis = every day

  Frequently = very often Occasionally = onsome occasions

  From time to time = sometimes Hardly ever =rarely = almost never Never

  You can say "every day", but"on a daily basis" is better!

  - Do you often speak English? - Yes, on analmost daily basis at

  school. I have an English class every day,but I must admit we only speak occasionally. We spend more time

  writing and doing exercise.

  ▲ Example:

  Do you like sports?

  Yes, I'm a big sports fan. I frequentlyplay basketball with my friends. I try to

  go running as often as possible. Inaddition, I occasionally play badminton with my workmates, but I like teamsports better. From time to time, I do push-ups and stomach crunches in orderto get stronger.

  How do you spend your time with yourfamily?

  Well, we frequently have dinner together.It's a great chance for all of us to talk and

  catch up. We also like to watch TV or playmahjong with each other. I occasionally go shopping with my mother, but I mustadmit I only do it to make her happy. I'm not big on shopping. A few years ago,I used to go running with my Dad on a weekly basis, but I have been busy withmy job lately so, I haven't had much time to do so lately.

  1. How often do you use a compute?

  On a daily basis. I turn on my computerevery morning at work. I work as an

  accountant so I need a computer to do myjob. In addition, I also surf the Internet when I get home. I frequently readthe news online arid chat with my friends. I occasionally download music ormovies. I really use computers a lot for both work and entertainment.

  2.How often do you go dancing?

  Hardly ever. I don't often go out clubbing,and to tell you the truth, I can't dance. Although some of my friendsfrequently go dancing, I'm not a big fan of night clubs. It's usually too loudand smoky there. On the other hand, my grandparents get together with theirneighbors on a weekly basis to go dancing in the park in my neighborhood.

  3. Do you often celebrate festivals in yourculture?

  Yes, definitely! We have differentfestivals on almost a monthly basis. The most important is of course the SpringFestival. We celebrate the Chinese New Year, but we also get together on otheroccasions, such as Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Lantern Festival,or Tomb Sweeping Day. In China, we frequently organize big dinners forsignificant events.

  4. Do you often p/ay games with your familyor friends?

  Yes, quite frequently, especially with myfriends. We often play cards as well as video games. Occasionally, when we goout to a bar or karaoke, we play dice and we make some simple bets. On theother hand, in my family, we play mahjong whenever we get a chance,particularly during the holidays. My father and I enjoy playing chess, but wehardly ever play nowadays, since I have been going to college far away from myhometown.

  5. How often do you exercise?

  I try to work out as much as possible.Usually I go running twice a week, and I frequently play basketball with myfriends. From time to time my friends invite me to play badminton, and I thinkit's also a great way to keep fit. In the summer, I really enjoy swimming, andI go to the pool on an almost daily basis during my holiday.

  6. How often do you go shopping for thingsapart from food?

  Not that often (= not so often). I'm not abig shopping fan. I find it annoying to go window shopping, wandering in a mallfor hours. My friends used to complain about the fact that I never wanted to goshopping with them... but now they've gotten used to it.

  Quite frequently! I like going shoppingwith friends, or with my mother. I think it's a great chance to hang out withthe people I like to be with. We often go to a new shopping mall in the citycenter. There are so many shops and restaurants that we can spend the wholeafternoon there. In addition, shopping for clothes is a lot of fun, although Iseldom buy the clothes I try on because my budget is a bit tight as a collegestudent.

  7. Do you often go to the theater or the cinema?

  Not really. I might go to the movies 3 0r 4times a year. On the other hand, I frequently download movies on my computer.It's free and extremely quick. I know that some people frown upon thispractice, but we all do this in my college. Going to the cinema is fun, but

  it's quite expensive nowadays. It costsaround 50 yuan per person so I can only afford it occasionally.

  8. How often do you get together with yourclassmates after class?

  Quite frequently! At university, we have alot of freedom, and since we all live together in the same dorm, we have dinnertogether on a daily basis. After class, I frequently do my homework with myroommates. Occasionally, we go shopping just outside campus. But most of thetime, we go for a walk, and talk about, you know, girl stuff.

  9. Do you think that young peop/e spend toomuch time on the Internet?

  Yes, definitely! I think that manyteenagers are addicted to online games. They are constantly playing on theirlaptops or their mobile phones. In addition, whenever the teacher gives them aproject, they go online to look for an answer, instead of thinking on theirown. They frequently read the news online instead of in the newspaper, and theyspend an incredible amount of time chatting with their friends on InstantMessenger. I think they depend too much on the Internet.

  10. Do you often buy the newspaper?

  No, hardly ever, but I read the news onlineon a daily basis. I guess it's more convenient. I have access to the mainheadlines in just a click, and actually I have more choices: I can pick anynewspaper I want to have a look at, and the articles are always freshlywritten. On the other hand, I occasionally buy 21st Century, you know, theChinese newspaper published in English. I get the newspaper because I need moretime to read it. It's a bit like doing homework. I circle the new words; I takesome notes. Since I spend a lot of time on it, reading on paper is better formy eyesight.








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