


2015-06-14 13:04

来源:新东方 长春学校



2015年6月的英语四级测试于今天上午结束了。相信对于参加过新东方四级课程的同学们来说,今天的作文题目应对起来非常轻松。 这次考察的三套题目都属于我们课上重点讲解和练习的图画描述型文章。 下面就让我们共同回顾类文章的写作方法。



For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on parents’ role in their children growth. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


首先,按照我们在课上对图画描述型文章段落功能的划分,我们应在第一个段落中描述图片信息。开头用简短的功能句“ as the picture presents,... ” 引出对图片的总体概括。然后,利用“V1-ing/ed, 主语+ V2 +其他”这个非谓语动词作状语的句式结构挖掘出主要人物身上的两个与主题相关的动作。最后在首段末句总结出图片传达的抽象寓意进行点题,即,一些家长过多的干涉了孩子的人生,成为孩子成长过程中的“独裁者”。点题句开头可以套用我们课上给出的功能句: “Apparently, the picture reveals that ,..../ we can learn from the picture that...”。

第二段是文章的主体论证段,我们在课上讲解的原因论证和举例论证都可以有效地帮助我们完成这个段落。 考生可以分别从动作发出者,动作承受着以及第三方(即:家长,孩子自身以及学校)的角度来剖析现象产生的原因。 也可以用举例论证的方式,列举出孩子成长中的不同阶段(如,求学,求职,择偶等阶段),家长是如何进行操控和包办的。 无论采用哪种论证首段,只要按照我们课程中为大家规划的总分结构展开,内部运用两到三组层次关联词都会在框架上有不错的采分。

第三段是相对开放式的段落,但凡是总结,评论,建议或展望性的语言都可以出现。 就本话题而言,考生可以先进行一句话评论:家长的过度干涉不利于孩子的成长。 接着提出建议措施:家长应该多给孩子空间;学校应该关注学生独立精神的培养;年轻人应该勇于对自己的决定负责。 具体范文如下:


As the picture presents, a school girl brings a piece of good news to her mother. Holding an admission notice in her hand, she cheers that she was accepted to the college of her mother’s choice. Apparently, what picture illustrates is that some parents act as “dictators” in the growth of their children.

Numerous examples can be given to illustrate this point. An obvious case is that in China, most primary school girls have to follow parents’ order to dress themselves. Their moms get to decide which shirt for them to wear or even the color of their hair bands. What is more, when we are about to go to college, parents still believe that they have the right of deciding which college we go to and which major we choose. Furthermore, by chatting with friends and listening to the news, we can easily learned that most Chinese youngsters are tremendously influenced by their parents’ suggestion when they choose jobs and spouses.

We all admit that such phenomenon is by no means beneficial to the growth of youngsters. To change current situation, I suggest that parents play their roles as guiders instead of rulers by giving free space to their children. And youngsters should also dare to take responsibility for their own decisions.


As the picture presents, a school girl brings a piece of good news to her mother. Holding an admission notice in her hand, she cheers that she was accepted to the college of her mother’s choice. Apparently, what picture illustrates is that some parents act as “dictators” in the growth of their children. .

This phenomenon is not uncommon in China. Reasons why it comes into being can be listed as follow. First and foremost, most Chinese parents believe that the best way of loving their children is to arrange everything for them. In addition, lacking self-managing skill, most Chinese youngsters have to or even would like to give up the chance of making their own choice. Last but not least, most schools in China attach all importance to grades, failing to cultivate students’ sense of independence, which leaves the decision-making power into the hand of parents.

We all admit that such phenomenon is by no means beneficial to the growth of youngsters. To change current situation, I suggest that parents play their role as guiders instead of rulers by giving free space to their children. And youngsters should also dare to take responsibility for their own decision.


解析:这篇文章可以说是2013年12月真题的复制品。 除了第一段的图片描述略有不同,二,三段可以照搬我们课上给出的范文。其中首段仍然采用“总体+ 细节+ 图片寓意” 三个步骤来完成。图片寓意:以图中男孩为代表的一部分学生认为去学校仅仅是为了获取信息,所以只要学会使用网络就够了。方法同上,不再赘述。 第二段,仍让采用总分结构,开头驳斥男孩的观点,指出教育不可被取代。下面分述三点原因或举出三个例子来佐证教育除了帮助学生获取信息以外还有诸多不可被取代的作用。 第三段,一句话评论教育的重要性,呼吁学生停止质疑并严肃对待。具体范文如下:


As the picture presents, a school boy is reluctant to go to school. holding a cellphone in his hand, the boy complains to his father that why is he going to school if his phone already knows everything. Apparently, from the boy’s perspective, going to school simply means acquiring information. Thus it can be replaced by searching online at home.

However, as far as I am concerned, education in school is irreplaceable for the following reasons. First and foremost, at school, students can not only acquire information but also get to learn how to analyze and use information. In addition, getting along with students and teachers in school can cultivate students’ capability of interpersonal communication. Last but not least, community activities in school will broaden our mind and make us an all-round talent. Hardly can we deny that all those results can not be achieved simply by searching online.

In conclusion, education in school is of utmost significance for every student and should not be questioned anymore. As students, we ought to make due use of our school time instead of addicting to the phone.

解析: “现代科技与人的关系”是我们课上的重点操练的话题,无论是在句子篇还是段落篇中,我们都为同学们积累了大量的相关表达。相信只要认真复习笔记的同学在这套题目上都会有很好的表现。

首段写法参照上文。 次段开头将首段的主题句进一步深化: 网络为导向的生活有诸多潜在的危险。后面具体列举两到三个现代科技的普及给我们的生活造成的负面影响。例如: 减少了面对面的交流;使得人们丧失独立思考的能力等。第三段,针对危害性提出建议:我们要在意识到危险并合理的利用网络。


As the picture presents, relying on the internet, modern people spend every minute of their life with computer, no matter when they are at work, at home, playing or sleeping. Apparently, the picture reveals that hardly can modern people live without the internet anymore.

From my perspective, this kind of internet-oriented modern life may cause lots of potential problems. A case in point is that when we get together with our loved ones, a number of us tend to focus on our cellphone instead of taking with each other, missing the chance of face-to-face communication with relatives and friends. In addition, along with the popularization of Internet, many of us lose the ability of independent thinking. Primary students refuse to practice math because computer can do any complex calculation for them; facing certain social issue, college students search comments online and take others’ point of view as theirs before they make their own judgment. All those examples can be fatal if we let the current situation go on.

As a member of modern people, we should be fully aware of the potential danger of such kind of life. I am convinced that only when we use the internet rationally, will it serve us instead of controlling us.

点评名师: 金东华




如果你体会过2013年12月改革之前的题目,你就会意识到,以往的四级题目类型包括五大类分别是细节题,推理题,含义题,态度题,主旨题。而在这五种类型中,细节题考查的方式相对基础,出题思路比较简单,但是细节题的模式性也是最弱的,在细节题涉及到最基本的做题方法就是同义转换,而同义转换说到底测试的就是词汇的掌握情况,句意的理解程度,这就是我们Non-native Speaker国家的人们在二语习得过程时,最基础也是最核心的要求。所以,这也就是四六级改革的目的之所在。



Passage One


56. 细节题 C 。考点在于首段转折句。 原文中“But the trend lying behind these matters is rarely talked about.” 就是因为很少谈论,所以作者才要说,这就是题干中所说的 “draw attention to”, 根据原文中“ this is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world’s major crops” 所以答案就是C。

57. 细节题 A。 因果关系出题。如果原文中没有明确的因果关系提示,利用句间顺承关系。

通过题干 “ India and China” 定位,根据原文“Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets.” 答案选A

58.细节题D。观点型细节题。利用 “ crop improvement efforts” 定位,找到该句就在引号里,就是我们要的观点。“We have preferentially focused our crop improvement effort on feeding animals and cars rather than on crops”

59. 细节题 D。观点型细节题。利用“Food and Agriculture Organization”定位, 根据原文“ suggest that the world will not have to dig up a lot more land for farming in order to feed 9 billion people in 2050.

60. 态度题或细节题B。 若视为态度题,选项先分类,A和C属于支持,B属于反对,C属于中立。也可以直接利用题干和出题顺序在原文中进行定位,根据原文 “… which may not actually happen……” 可看出这个假想可能不会发生。反对态度,所以选择B。






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