


2017-07-06 10:26




  啤酒配方随着时间而改变。例如给许多现代啤酒带来苦味和柑橘味的啤酒花,是相对较晚被添加到啤酒中的成分,在九世纪与酿酒相关的史料中首次被提及。现在,研究人员在5000年前的酿酒制品残留物中发现了惊人的成分。在中国中原地区两个考古坑进行挖掘的期间,科学家们发现了来自 陶罐、漏斗、双耳陶罐和火炉的陶制碎片(火炉碎片如图)。研究人员今天在《国家科学院院刊》网络版中报告称,容器的不同形状表示它们曾被用来酿造、过滤和储存啤酒,它们可能是古代的“啤酒制作工具包”,也是最早的有关中国啤酒酿造的直接证据。为了检验这一假设,研究小组检测了容器内暗黄干燥的残留物。其中发现的淀粉颗粒中约有三分之一或凹或胀,或折叠或扭曲,这些变形会在酿造啤酒所需的麦芽处理和麦芽浆制作的过程中发生。科学家们表示,这些谷粒中的大多数,约80%,来自小米和大麦这样的谷类作物,同时10%左右来自块茎植物,包括山药和百合,它们给这些啤酒增添了甜味。研究人员表示,大麦是一个意外的发现:这种农作物在欧亚大陆西部种植,直到大约2000年前才成为中国中部地区的主食。根据这一时间点,研究人员表示大麦当时可能是作为酿造啤酒的原料,而不是一种食物被引入中国中原地区的。


  A.At some point,almost all of us will experience a period of radical professional change some of us will seek it out:for other it will feel like an unwelcome intrusion into otherwise stable career Either way,we have choices about how we respond to it when it comes.

  B.We recently caught up with yoga entrepreneur Lcah Zeccaria,who put herself through the fire of change to completely reinvent herself.In her search to live a life of purpose .Leah left her high-paying accounting job,her husband,and her home.In the process.she built a radically new lift and career.Since then she has founded two yoga studios.met new life partner,and formed a new community of people.Even if your personal reinvention is less drastic,we think there are lessons from her expericence that apply

  C.Where do the seeds of change come from?The Native American Indians have a saying:”Pay attention to the whispers so you won’t have to hear the screams”Often the best ideas for big changes come from unexpected places-----it’s just matter of turning in.Great leaders recognize the weak signals or slight signs that point to big changes to come.Leah reflect on a time she listened to the whispers:”About the time daughter was five years old.I started having a sense that ‘this isn’t right’”She then realized that life no longer matched her vision for it

  D.Up until that point,Lech had followed traditional measures of success.After graduating with a degree in business and accounting.She joined a public accounting firm,married,bought looked successful,”she says,Leah easily could have fallen into a trap of feeling content,instead, her energy sparked a period of experimentation and renewal.

  E.Feeling the need to change.Leah start playing with future possibilities by exploring her interest and developing new capabilities.First trying physical exercise and dieting.She lost some weight and discovered an inner strength.”I felt powerful because I broke through my own limitations.”she recalls

  F.However,it was another interest that led Leah to radically reinvent herself,”I remember sitting on a bench with my aunt at a yoga studio,”she said,”and having a moment of clarity right then and there. Yoga is saving my life.Yoga is waking me up.I ‘m not happy and I want to change and I’m done with this,”In that moment of clarity Leah made an important leap,conquering her inner resistance to change and making a firm commitment to take bigger steps

  G.Creating the future you want is a lot casier if you are ready to exploit the opportunities that come your way.When Leah made the commitment to change,she primed herself to new apporiunities she may otherwise have overlooked.She recalls

  H.One day a man I worked with,Ryan,who had his office next to mine,said,”Leah.Let’s go look at this space on Queen Anne.”He knew my love for yoga and had seen a space chose to where he lived that he thought might be good to serve as a yoga and had seen a space close to where he lived that he thought might be good to serve as a yoga studio.As soon as I saw the location,I knew this was it. Of course I was scared,yet I had this strong sense of “I have to do this.”Only a few months later Leah opened her first yoga studio,but success was not instant.

  I.Creating the future takes time. That’s why leaders continue to manage the present while building toward the big nonlincar changes of the future.when it’s time to make the Leah stayed with her accounting jod while starting up the yoga studio to make it all work.”I was working 60 hours a week and running a studio.so I wasn’t getting very much sleep. But it was good for me,”she says.Soon after,she knew she had to make a bold move to fully commit to her new future.Within two years,Leah shed the safety of her accounting job and made the switch complete.Such drastic change is not casy.

  J. “Be yourself”Leah says.”Quit being the person people think you’re suppose to be.Find a way to dig deep into your into your couragcous self to be who you are.Whatever that means as far as exploring your emotions,your identity,your profession.find one version of you that you are always and everywhere.”It was this sense of purpose that would carry Leah through the storms of change

  K.Steering through change and facing obstacles brings us face to face with our fears Leah reflects on one incident that triggered her fears, when her investors threatened to shut her down:”I was probably up against the most fears I’ve ever had”she say.”I had spent two years cultivating this community,and it had become successful very fast.but within six months I was facing the prospect of losing it all”

  L.She connected with her sense of purpose and dug deep,cultivating a tremendous sense of strength.”I was feeling so intentional and strong that I wasn’t going to let fear just take over. I was thinking,OK,guys,if you want to want to try to shut me down,shut me down.And I knew it was a negotiation scheme,so I was able to say to myself.””This is not real”By naming her fears

  36.Readiness to take advantage of new apportunities will make it easier to create one’s desired future.

  37.By conventional standards,Leah was a typical successful woman before she changed her career

  38.Leah gained confidence by laying out her fears and contronting then directly

  39.In search of a meaningful life,Leah gave up what she had and set up her own yoga studios.

  40.Leah’s interest in yoga prompted her to make a firm decision to seshape her life.

  41.Small signs may indicate great changes to come and therefore ment attention

  42.Leah’s first yoga studio was by no weans an immediate success

  43.Some people regard professional change as an unpleasant experience that disturbs their career

  44.The worst fear that Leah ever had was the prospect of losing her yoga business

  45.As she explore new interests and developed new potential,Leah felt powerful internally













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