2018-04-27 09:31
Moreover, joining sports activities may offer us much more opportunity to make new friends. Friendship often emerges when people fight together for the same goal, such as winning a competition. For instance, my cousin once was a shy and lonely boy. Computer games occupied his entire world, which led to the fact that he had almost no intimate friend. His parents tried a lot but still could not successfully persuade him to extend his social circle. Fortunately, when he was in grade 8, his school organized a basketball competition and he was chosen to be a team member. Initially, my cousin was not willing to join the team because the only thing he liked was to stay at home and play video games. Nevertheless, my aunt and uncle found him gradually become much more active in spending his time with his teammates. When asked about why he become interested in interacting with other people, my cousin said he felt it easier to get along with each other when they had a common goal to achieve. Therefore, for some individuals with inadequate social confidence, getting involved in certain kind of sports can effectively help them to overcome their shyness and make new friends.
Last but not least, physical challenges will result in a stronger willpower. During the process of handling the difficulties in one’s physical activities, man can also acquire a powerful mind and thus will play an important role in his future career. Take President Obama as an example. President Obama was a crazy fan in basketball and jogging. Although he had a heavy workload when he was the American president, Mr. Obama never quit exercising. When asked about his opinion towards taking sports activities, he pointed out that although it was very tough when he was taking some challenging activities such as marathon, he actually steel his body as well as his mind. Once he made a comparison between his president work and his exercise because they were both filled with challenges. And he proclaimed that the willpower obtained through physical training helped him to successfully overcome the toughness during his presidency. As we can see, powerful will gotten from exercise can also help us in other fields.
To sum up, when it comes to the best way to improve oneself, taking more exercise should be our first choice. It can not only make us stronger physically, but also build a bridge to making new friends. In addition, people who can come up with the difficulties during sports activities will be much more likely to overcome the tough situations in his career life.
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