


2017-12-07 10:31



  Inorder to pressure the government of Country S to become less repressive, somelegislators in Country R want to ban all exports from R to S. Companies in Rthat manufacture telecommunication equipment such as telephones and faxmachines have argued that exports of their products should be exempted from theban, on the ground that it is impossible for a country to remain repressivewhen telecommunication equipment is widely available to the population of thatcountry.

  Which one of the following is an assumptionon which the argument given by the manufacturers depends?

  A. Thegovernment of S has recently increased the amount of telecommunicationequipment it allows to be imported into the country.

  B. Thetelecommunication equipment that would be imported into S if the exemption wereto be granted would not be available solely to top development officials in S.

  C. Amajority of the members of R’s legislature do not favor exemptingtelecommunication equipment from the ban on exports to Country S.

  D. Ofall exports that could be sent to Country S, telecommunication equipment wouldbe the most effective in helping citizens of S oppose that country’s repressivegovernment.

  E. Withoutpressure from Country R, the government of S would be able to continuerepressing its citizens indefinitely.


  The correct answer is B.

  See: Assumption question

  Think: I have to find the conclusion, thenthe evidence, and from them figure out the central assumption.


  Conclusion: The “what” of an argument

  In this case:

  In order to pressure the government ofCountry S to become less repressive, some legislators in Country R want to banall exports from R to S.

  Evidence: The “Why” of an argument

  In this case:

  It’s impossible for a country to remainrepressive when telecommunication equipment is widely available to thepopulation of that country.

  Assumption: Facts or ideas, notstated in the passage. The assumption must be true if the argument is to beconsidered valid. The assumption typicaldirectly links the evidence with the conclusion. The best way to tackle it isto negate it.

  In this case:

  The telecommunication equipment that wouldbe imported into S if the exemption were to be granted would not be availablesolely to top development officials in S.

  If we negate the assumption, the conclusioncan’t come to pass.


  The telecommunication equipment that wouldbe allowed to export into S (exempted) would be AVAILABLE SOLELY to topdevelopment officials in S, then the proposal to pressure the government ofCountry S to become less repressive by using ban will be failed. As a result,the argument that manufacture gave that telecommunication equipment such astelephones and fax machines have argued that exports of their products shouldbe exempted from the ban will be failed.





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