2017-07-03 08:48
Manybreakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin supplements. Some of these cerealsprovide 100 percent of the recommended daily requirement of vitamins.Nevertheless, a well—balanced breakfast, including a variety of foods, is abetter source of those vitamins than are such fortified breakfast cerealsalone.
Whichof the following, if true, would most strongly support the position above?
A. In many foods, the naturalcombination of vitamins with other nutrients makes those vitamins more usableby the body than are vitamins added in vitamin supplements.
B. People who regularly eatcereals fortified with vitamin supplements sometimes neglect to eat the foodsin which the vitamins occur naturally.
C. Foods often must be fortifiedwith vitamin supplements because naturally occurring vitamins are removedduring processing.
D. Unprocessed cereals arenaturally high in several of the vitamins that are usually added to fortifiedbreakfast cereals.
E. Cereals containing vitaminsupplements are no harder to digest than similar cereals without addedvitamins.
A well-balanced breakfast with a variety of foods is a better source of vitamins than a breakfast of cereal fortified with vitamin supplements.
What strengthens the argument in favor of a balanced breakfast as a better source of vitamins? The argument compares the vitamins naturally occurring in foods and those added to cereal. What would make the vitamins in foods superior in nutritional value to the vitamin supplements in fortified cereals? If the combination of vitamins with other nutrients in many foods allowed the body to better use those vitamins, a balanced breakfast would be the preferred source of the vitamins.
A. Correct. This statement properly identifies a factor that strengthens the argument.
B. This statement explains who might benefit from a well-balanced breakfast, but it does not support the conclusion in favor eating a variety of foods.
C. This statement shows why foods need to be fortified, but it does not support the conclusion that naturally occurring vitamins in foods are better.
D. This statement provides some information about unprocessed cereals, but it does not explain why the vitamins found in a balanced breakfast are superior to the vitamins in fortified cereals.
E. The ability of the body to digest fortified or unfortified cereals is outside the scope of the question.
The correct answer is A.
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