


2017-07-03 08:44





  Paper&Printis a chain of British stores selling magazines, books, and stationery products.In Britain, magazines’ retail prices are set by publishers, and the retailer’sshare of a magazine's retail price 25 percent. Since Paper&Print’s marginon books and stationery products is much higher, the chain's management plansto devote more of its stores’ shelf space to books and stationery products andreduce the number of magazine titles that its stores carry.

  Whichof the following, if true, most strongly argues that the plan, if put intoeffect, will increase Paper&Print’s profits?

  A. Recently magazinepublishers, seeking to increase share in competitive sectors of the market,have been competitively cutting the retail prices of some of the largestcirculation magazines.

  B. In market research surveys, fewconsumers identify Paper&Print as a book or stationery store but manyrecognize and value the broad range of magazines it carries.

  C. The publisher’s share of amagazine's price is 50 percent, and the publisher also retains all of themagazine's advertising revenue.

  D. Consumers who subscribe to amagazine generally pay less per issue than they would if they bought themagazine through a retail outlet such as Paper&Print.

  E. Some of Paper&Print’slocations are in small towns and represent the only retail outlet for bookswithin the community



  Whatwould make it least likely that devoting more of the business to books andstationery, and less to magazines, would increase profits? The reasoning behindthe plan is that Paper&Print has a greater profit margin on books andstationery than it can legally attain on magazines, and that carrying moreitems with higher profit margins and fewer with lower profit margins willincrease overall profits. A weakness in this reasoning is that profits dependon actually selling items, not merely on carrying them. If magazines sell farmore briskly than other merchandise, shelf space devoted to magazines maygenerate higher profits, despite the magazines’ lower profit margins. If thiswere the situation, the plan might backfire and fail to increase profits.

  A. Lower retail prices onmagazines could lower Paper&Print's profits per magazine sold and hencemake the plan to devote more shelf space to merchandise other than magazinesmore likely to increase overall profits.

  B. Correct. If far more customers shop atPaper&Print for its broad range of magazines than for its books andstationery, then cutting the shelf space devoted to magazines may disappointthe customers, reducing overall sales and profits.

  C. Paper&Print‘s magazineprofits come from the 25 percent of the magazines’ retail price that goes tothe retailer, no matter who gets the rest.

  D. This would tend to reducePaper&Print's magazine sales and hence make the plan to devote more shelfspace to merchandise other than magazines more likely to increase overallprofits.

  E. This would tend to increasePaper&Print’s book sales at some stores  and hence make the plan to devotemore shelf space to books rather than magazines more to increase overallprofits.

  The correct answer is B.




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