2017-07-03 08:42
Aninfluential stock analyst recommends the purchase of three infrequently tradedstocks in each of his weekly magazine columns. Unusually large amounts of thesestocks are often purchased one day before the magazine appears on the newsstands.This pattern has recurred over a period.
Suppose that theinformation presented above is accurate. Each of the following statements, iftrue, could help to explain why the unusually large purchases occurredEXCEPT:
A. Workers at the company that prints the magazine haveused their advance knowledge of the analyst's column to guide their own stockpurchases.
B. Workers at the company thatprints the magazine often sell advance copies of the magazine to stockbrokers.
C. One hundred copies of eachissue of the magazine are circulated in the publishing company's office a daybefore the issue appears on newsstands.
D. The analyst refuses to submithis column for editorial review before it is printed.
E. Twenty people in the publishingcompany have access to the analyst's column before it is printed.
There has been, over a period of five years, a pattern of unusually large stock purchases one day before the stock analyst's magazine column recommending them appears on the newsstands. Of the five answer options given, which one would NOT help explain this pattern? Anything suggesting how people who buy stocks could see the column or discover the information in it at least a day before it appears on the newsstands would help explain the pattern. Therefore look for the answer option that does not suggest how this could happen.
A. The workers’ purchases based on their advance knowledge could account for the pattern.
B. The stockbrokers' purchases based on their advance knowledge could account for the pattern.
C. Purchases by publishing company employees and others with whom they shared the information could account for the pattern.
D. Correct. This answer option does not indicate how anyone other than the analyst could find out about the recommendations in advance. Therefore, it would not help explain the pattern.
E. Purchases by these twenty people and others with whom they shared the information could account for the pattern.
The correct answer is D.
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