2017-06-28 11:00
Tracesof cultivated emmer wheat have been found among the earliest agriculturalremains at many archaeological sites in Europe and Asia. The only place wherethe wild form of emmer wheat has been found growing is a relatively narrowstrip of southwest Asia. Since the oldest remains of cultivated emmer wheat yetfound are from village sites in the same narrow strip, it is clear that emmerwheat was first domesticated somewhere in that strip.
Whichof the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. The present-day distribution ofanother wild wheat, einkorn, which was also domesticated early in thedevelopment of agriculture, covers a much larger area of southwest Asia.
B. Wild emmer wheat can easily bemade to yield nearly as much as modern domestic strains.
C. At the time when emmer wheatwas first cultivated, it was the most nutritious of all the varieties of grainthat were then cultivated.
D. In the strip where wild emmerwheat has been found, climatic conditions have changed very little since beforethe development of agriculture.
E. It is very difficult, withoutgenetic testing, to differentiate the wild form of emmer wheat from a closelyrelated wild wheat that also grows in southwest Asia.
What would provide the most additional evidence that wild emmer wheat was first domesticated in the strip of south west Asia where it now grows? The argument is that since wild emmer wheat is only found in that strip, and the
oldest remains of cultivated emmer wheat are at village sites in the same area, emmer wheat must have first been cultivated there. This assumes that wild emmer wheat has grown in just the same strip since it was first cultivated. If wild emmer wheat used to grow elsewhere, it might have first been cultivated elsewhere and reached the village sites through trade. Therefore, look for an answer option providing evidence that wild emmer wheat has grown only in that strip since it was first cultivated.
A. This raises the possibility that wild emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, might once have grown in a larger area and hence might have first been domesticated outside that narrow strip--contrary to what is argued in the passage.
B. If wild emmer wheat already produces high yields, it may not have been domesticated very thoroughly, but that does not indicate where the wheat was first domesticated.
C. The nutritional content of emmer wheat is irrelevant to the question of where it was first domesticated.
D. Correct. If climate conditions have not changed much in the strip, it's unlikely that the natural geographical growing range of wild emmer wheat has shifted. Therefore, it's more likely that wild emmer wheat has grown only in the same strip since it was first cultivated.
E. Difficulty in differentiating the two forms of wheat might cast doubt on the reliability of the archaeological evidence cited and thereby weaken the argument.
The correct answer is D.
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