2017-06-28 10:58
TheAcme Corporation has found that improvements in its information technologyinfrastructure allow its employees to make more decisions that are both soundand well-informed than was previously feasible. Consequently, the corporationplans to improve employee productivity by introducing new managerial techniquesthat delegate much of the decision-making to lower levels of the organizationalhierarchy. Managers will simply set clear standards and guidelines and thenallow employee teams to undertake tasks without centralized control.
Which of the following,if true, would most strongly support a prediction that the Acme Corporation'splan will achieve its goal?
A. The corporation will be able tocut its managerial staff only if the managers’ sole function is to set clearstandards and guidelines for employees.
B. After Acme’s informationtechnology infrastructure was improved, very few of Acme’s managers continuedto believe that only managers should make most decisions.
C. Most of the tasks currentlyperformed by the corporation's employees require few if any significantdecisions to be made.
D. When employees can makedecisions themselves, rather than submitting the same matters for decision tomanagers, there is more time available for directly productive activities.
E. Some other companies that havebetter employee productivity than does the Acme Corporation also plan to usethe new managerial techniques.
What would suggest that the plan to allow lower-level employees to make more decisions will improve their productivity? We are told that new information technology now allows the employees to make sound, well-informed decisions. Consequently, allowing lower-level employees to make more decisions may not hurt productivity. But we have no evidence that this change will actually improve productivity. Therefore, look for an answer option explaining how it might do so.
A. This suggests a condition—limitation of managers‘ responsibilities—that would have to be fulfilled to make layoffs of managerial staff possible, but it does not provide evidence that the plan would improve employee productivity overall.
B. If most of the managers agree that they should give up some decision-making authority, they may not resist the plan's implementation, but this does not provide evidence that the plan would improve productivity.
C. If the employees do not need to make decisions to do their jobs well, then delegating decisions to them is less likely to improve their productivity.
D. Correct. This explains how the plan, by reducing the time employees have to spend with managers, could improve employee productivity.
E. Since the other companies are not using the new managerial techniques yet, the higher employee productivity at those companies does not suggest that the techniques improve productivity.
The correct answer is D.
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