2017-06-26 10:03
Fashioncompany executive: The number of competing brands of clothing is increasingmuch more quickly than is consumer demand for new clothing. As a result, it isbecoming ever more for our clothing company to keep consumers focused on ourproducts. To increase our sales, therefore, our company plans to introduceinnovative, eye-catching lines of clothing much more frequently.
Toevaluate whether the plan described by the executive would be likely to achieveits goal, it would be most useful to know which of the following?
A. Whether other, competingclothing companies will more frequently introduce newlines of clothing
B. To what extent consumers’attention tends to be focused on innovative, eye-catching products in otherindustries
C. Why the number of competingbrands of clothing is increasing more quickly than consumer demand for newclothing
D. How much more likely mostconsumers are to buy innovative, eye-catching lines of clothing than they areto buy conventional, familiar clothing
E. Whether the executive's companyis currently selling any innovative and eye-catching fines of clothing
Whatinformation would provide the strongest evidence about whether introducing moreinnovative, eye-catching clothing would help the company Increase sales? Thecompany is struggling to keep consumers’ attention because the number ofcompeting clothing brands is increasing faster than demand for clothing.Although innovative, eyecatching clothing would probably attract attention, theplan's ultimate goal is to increase sales. Therefore, look for an answer optionthat addresses the issue of whether more innovative, eye-catching clothingwould actually increase the company's sales.
A. The company's plan might ormight not work regardless of whether competing companies also frequentlyintroduce new lines of clothing; it might depend on whether those competingfines are also innovative and eyecatching.
B. As explained above, thequestion is not whether innovative, eye-catching clothing will attractattention, but rather whether it will increase sales.
C. This does not speak to whetherthe company's plan can meet the challenge of the rapidly-changing marketplaceby introducing more innovative, eye-catching clothing.
D. Correct. This addresses the issue ofwhether innovative, eye-catching clothing would actually increase the company'ssales.
E. Knowing whether the companycurrently sells any innovative, eye-catching clothing does not indicate whetherintroducing more such clothing would increase or decrease sales.
The correct answer is D.
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