2017-06-21 11:04
Publichealth official: Some researchers suspect that magnetic fields fromhigh-voltage power lines can cause health problems for
people who fiveespecially near the fines. However, this is extremely unlikely: Beyond adistance of a few feet, the strength of the
magnetic fields from high-voltagepower lines is less than the average strength of magnetic fields in homes thatare not located
near such lines.
Whichof the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate thepublic health argument?
A. Whether magnetic fields inhomes that are not located near high-voltage power lines can cause healthproblems for the residents of those homes
B. What proportion of people wholive near high-voltage power fines believe that those fines may cause healthproblems
C. Whether high-voltage powerlines are routed near residential in urban areas
D. What specific diseases orconditions are suspected by some researchers to result from exposure tomagnetic fields from high-voltage power lines
E. What is the average strength ofmagnetic fields in workplaces that are not located near high-voltage powerlines
Whatadditional evidence would most help determine whether magnetic fields fromhigh-voltage power lines cause health problems for people who live near thelines? The public health official argues that power lines’ magnetic fieldsprobably do not cause health problems beyond a few feet from the lines, becausethose magnetic fields are weaker than magnetic fields usually are in homes farfrom such fines. This argument assumes that magnetic fields in homes far fromthe fines do not cause health problems and that people who live near the finesdo not spend much time within a few feet of them. Therefore, look for an answeroption that indicates whether one or both of these assumptions is correct.
A. Correct. This information wouldstraightforwardly indicate whether the first assumption discussed above istrue.
B. People's beliefs about whetherthe power lines cause health problems may be ill-founded and mistaken; they arenot relevant to whether magnetic fields can cause health problems.
C. This would indicate whethermany people live near the power fines, but not whether those who five near thefines suffer health problems as a result.
D. Without further information(e.g., whether the incidence of such diseases or conditions is greater amongpeople who live especially near higher-voltage power fines), knowing whichspecific health problems the researchers think the fines cause would suffice toevaluate the public health argument.
E. The argument concerns magneticfields in homes, not magnetic fields in workplaces; but knowing how strong themagnetic fields are even in homes would not suffice to know whether suchmagnetic fields cause health problems or not.
The correct answer is A.
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