2017-06-20 09:48
Manager:Although our corporation lists rules in an orientation booklet, few employeesread the booklet carefully enough to familiarize themselves with all the rules.Lecturing employees for inadvertent rule violations often makes them resentfuland less cooperative. Thus, to improve employee adherence to rules, we plan toissue gentle reminders about various rules in each issue of our weeklynewsletter. Whichof the following would it be most helpful to discover about the employees inthe corporation in order to evaluate the likelihood that the plan will succeed?
A. Whether most of them who arelectured for inadvertent rule violations are deterred from violating the samerule again
B. Whether most of them whoinadvertently violate rules already feel resentful and uncooperative
C. Whether most of them violate atleast some rules with which they are familiar
D. Whether most of them whoregularly read the weekly newsletter are familiar with at least some rules
E. Whether most of them wouldusually read with sufficient care the portions of the weekly newsletter thatare reminders of rules
What information about the corporation’s employees would most help determine whether gentle reminders in the weekly newsletter would get them to follow the rules better? The corporation's current techniques for promoting the office rules do not work well-— most employees do not read the orientation booklet carefully, and verbal lectures about the rules make the employees resentful and less cooperative. For the reminders in the newsletter to work, they must avoid both of these pitfalls. Therefore, look for an answer option that suggests whether employees will learn about rules from the newsletter and will then follow the rules cooperatively.
A. Knowing how effective the lectures are does not indicate how effective reminders in the newsletter may be.
B. The plan involves using the newsletter to remind employees about rules and thus to reduce the frequency of inadvertent rule violations. Even if we know that most employees who inadvertently violate office rules already feel resentful and uncooperative, we cannot conclude that they will not follow the office rules better once they become more aware of what the rules are. Neither can we conclude that they will follow the rules better.
C. Even if we know that most employees knowingly break one or two rules that they especially dislike, we cannot draw any conclusions about their level of rule-compliance if they become more aware of other rules.
D. The existing level of rule-awareness among regular readers will not tell us whether the plan will increase that level of awareness, nor whether such an increased level of awareness would promote greater compliance or not.
E. Correct. This addresses the issue of whether employees will read the newsletters’ reminders carefully, as discussed above. If the answer is no, then the plan is to fail.
The correct answer is E.
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