2016-06-28 14:30
Word count: 299
Technology, the mighty force which is created by the comparativelysmaller, walnut-shaped human brain, has changed the landscape, redefined thenatural resources and even diversified the food we human beings rely on. Theopponents and the proponents both hold their own justifications and I deem thatthere is no black-or-white conclusion of this issue.
It is more likely that food shortage will undermine the wellbeing ofmasses less frequently if technology and scientific breakthrough improve thequality and range of choices. In the past when we human beings relied heavilyon the rather limited sources of food, a spell of abnormal weather can pose athreat to the yield of the crops and the health condition of livestock, letalone the unpredicted climate change. However, the miserable past is no longerthe case today. People are less prone to the impact of scarcity of the foodsupply and the quality as more food sources can be utilized with theadvancement of science.
On the other hand, the skeptics think technology a two-edged sword andthe potential risks of technologically-modified food can never beunderestimated. The security of somefood generated by technology has not been identified, thereby entailing someunpredictable consequences. The genetically modified food,a milestone inhuman history, provides more options of food and enhance the quality on the onehand, also induces the doubts on its potential harm to human body and health.
Personally, I suppose a reconciliationshould be achievedbetween this two statements. What really matters on this issue is how properlythe technologically- changed food can function in the society and what thefollowing steps we shall take if some dire consequences arise. After all , itis the tiny brain that has the final say instead of the technology it creates.
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