

Describe a job you'd like to have in the future

2016-05-20 17:40



相信小伙伴们在小的时候肯定都被问到过“以后想干什么呀?”“你的理想是什么呀?”当年梦想当“科学家”的孩子们,在多年后可能会意识到自己当时想多了…… Anyway,人人都会有梦想的职业,所以大家肯定不愁没话说。


  下面以“导游”为例,聊聊a job you’d like to have in the future:

  I’ve always wanted to be a guide who gets to travel around the world. And I’m sure I would definitely make a qualified one ‘cause I’m always into history and stuff, and I love to share what I know with others. I remember when I was in high school, I was a science student, but I was so obsessed with arts that I would skip my own class to audit other professors’ lectures.

  Plus, I consider myself as a person with excellent organizational and communication skills. So it’s fair to say I’m a people person. I’m sure I can deal with all kinds of people in my job. You know, some tourists going on a package tour can be a little demanding or disorganized, and sometimes even unsociable. But I don’t think that would be a problem for me.

  Being a guide can be a lot of fun. I get to see the world, and the best part is, I get paid for doing this. I’m crazy about travelling, so I guess I would be really lucky if I can make money on my hobby.

  If I can become a guide, then many of my dreams would come true. I’ve always wanted to go to London to visit Warner Bros. Studio Tour to see the making of Harry Potter, and the famous 221B Baker Street where Sherlock Holmes used to live. I also dream to go to Paris to try the authentic French cuisine, ‘cause I’m also a big foodie.

  So I’m positive that me being a guide would be a win-win situation. I can expand my vision while I’m working and I get to share my joy and knowledge to the tourists in my group.






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