


2016-05-20 16:53



有谁能料到雅思命题官能够如此接地气贴近时事新闻,居然考了一道“被污染滴地方”!那么多年吸的霾总算有回报了对不对!一入冬,大家就会在新闻里听 到北京各种雾霾的消息,不光是北京哦,周围的天津和其他河北省大小城市,也都会惨遭雾霾袭击。不能白受罪啊!来跟考官声泪俱下的吐个槽吧!

  雾霾会造成的危害还用过脑袋想么!?能见度低到爆,高速不得不封锁,市内交通事故频发。空气内有害污染物导致呼吸系统疾病,有些戴隐形眼镜的娃还会莫名其妙的患上眼疾。还有每天早上一拉开窗帘,满眼的糟心啊…… 好了不说了,下面来自某位同学的亲身体验,我们来感受下:

  I’d like to talk about the capital city of China Beijing, which is famous for its places of interest like the Forbidden City and the Great wall, and also some modern tourist attractions. But these years, I believe it has become well known for its heavy air pollution. I don’t remember since when high levels of air pollution have become commonplace in Beijing, especially during winter months when temperatures drop and more coal is burned when heating systems are switched on. All I can hear from the news every now and then is Beijing is hit by hazardous smog again and the municipal government issues yellow smog alerts all the time, and the number of patients who suffer from respiratory disease is on the rise, blah blah blah…

  I guess that’s why I don’t have too much affection for this city. But a few months ago, my best friend was getting married in Beijing and I was asked to be her bridesmaid. So I had to fly there to attend her wedding.

  After I landed at the airport, I just had this weird feeling in my throat and I started to cough. I noticed that most people around me were wearing masks, I just regret why I didn’t get one before I went there.

  When I looked out of the window, I could see the city was covered in a dense layer of smog, and some of the skyscrapers were barely visible.

  I remember I was wearing a white blouse, but by the time I got to my hotel, the collar was dirty, it was only like 4 hours? So you see, the pollution was THAT serious.

  Honestly I’ve no idea why people still flock to this city to make a living at the cost of their health.






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