


2015-06-17 18:17



Some people believe that if a police force carries a gun, it will encourage higher levels of violence in the whole society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In recent years, there have been heated discussions about the relationships between citizens and police. I agree the some people believe that if a police force carries a gun, it will encourage higher levels of violence in the whole society. Especially in China, if a policeman carries a gun in the street and the citizen see it, it might causes the citizen to distrust government and police.

In my country, China, the normal policemen are not carry the gun in the street because it's a very dangerous action. For example, if a criminal attacks a policeman, the criminal might take the gun from the policeman. After that the criminal could use this gun to shoot other citizens or even rub the bank. It will break the system of society. Furthermore, citizens would lose trust in the police and become sacred of criminals, it actually encourages higher levels of violence in the whole society.

In addition, a policemen carrying a gun might cause conflicts with the citizens in some countries. For example, the United States has historical conflicts between the white people and black people. In the past, a white policeman bullied a black teenager in the street and shouted at this guy. After that, the black teenager was dead in the hospital. It made many black people who lived in the USA angry and sad. Therefore, they made many protests in the United States and told the government to have new rules to control the police and changed the situation. They believe that the police carrying a gun is very dangerous and they should have similar rights with white people.

In conclusion, the police not only needs to protect the society, but also need to care about the citizens’ feelings. Violence is not the fundamental way to combat criminals and it may also leads to unwanted killings.





In my country, China, the normal policemen are not carry the gun in the street because it's a very dangerous action.

这里be动词(are) 和一般动词(carry 连用,这在很多同学的作文中动很常见。我们知道,一句话的谓语动词不是be动词就是一般动词,两者是不可连用的。这里应改为:

更正:In my country, China, the normal policemen do not carry the gun in the street because it's a very dangerous action.


Furthermore, citizens would lose trust in the police and become sacred of criminals, it actually encourages higher levels of violence in the whole society.

很多同学对标点符号的问题不以为意,但是雅思官方评分指南中明确写出标点符号的正确使用也是语法正确性的一个体现。标点符号的错用本质上是缺乏断句意识,不知道一句话什么时候应该结束。英语中一套主谓宾完整的句子结束之后就应该打上句号,不像中文可以一逗到底,如果觉得话没说完,不想再一句话的末尾打上句号,就应当使用and, but, or, so, although, because 等有连接句子功能的连词将前一句同后一句以合乎语法的形式连接起来,不能任性,想打逗号就打逗号。

更正:Furthermore, citizens would lose trust in the police and become sacred of criminals. It actually encourages higher levels of violence in the whole society.

      Furthermore, citizens would lose trust in the police and become sacred of criminals and it actually encourages higher levels of violence in the whole society.





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