2019-05-16 09:35
exoneration set smb slear, free (eg. from blame)
exorbitant much too high or great
extant still in existence
extinct no longer active
extirpate destroy utterly
extort obtain by threats, violence
exuberance state of growing vigorously; being full of life
facilitate make easy (eg. a process of smth)
fallacy false or mistaken belief
fatuous without sense, foolish self-satisfaction
faucet device for controlling the outflow of a liquid
fawn young deer, try to win smb's favour by servile behaviour
feckless futile, irresponsible, inefficient
feint pretend
felon person guilty of murder
ferment substance; become excited
ferocity savage cruelty
fertile producing much, full of ideas
fertilize make fertile or productive
fervid showing earnest feeling
fervor warmth of feelings; earnestness
fidelity loyalty, accuracy
fidget move restlessly, make nervous
figurehead carved image on the prow of a ship
finite limited, having bounds
flamboyant brightly colored, florid
flammable having tendency to burst into flames
flaunting show off complacently
flaw crack, lessen value
fledged able to fly, trained, experienced
fleet number of ships, quick-moving
fleeting passing quaickly
flexibility easily bent without braking
flinch drow, move back, wince
florid very much ornamented; naturally red (eg. of face)
flout oppose, treat with contempt
fluster make nervous or confused
foment put smth (to lessen the pain), cause smth
foppish like a man who pays too much attention to his clothes
forbear refrain from, be patient; ancestor
ford shallow place in a river (to cross)
forfeit suffer the loss of smth
forge workshop for the shaping of metal; to shape metal; lead
forgery counterfeit
fortuitous happening by chance
fragrant sweet-smelling
fret worry; irritation; wear away
friction the rubbing of one thing against another, difference of opinion
fringe edge; ornamental border; part of hair over the forehead
frugal careful, economical
fulmination bitter protest
gainsay deny, contradict
gambol quick, playful jumping
garment article of clothing
garrulous too talkative
gaucherie socially awkward, tactless bahaviour
gist the point, general sense
glib ready and smooth but not sincere
gloat over look at with selfish delight
glut supply to much, fill to excess
gossamer soft, light, delicate material
gouge tool for cutting grooves in wood
grave serious, requiring consideration
grievance cause for complaint or protest
grievous causing grief or suffering
grooves long channel in the surface, habital way of living
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