2019-05-10 09:28
abjure promise or swear to give up
abraded rubbed off, worn away by friction
abrasion rubbing, scraping, wearing off
abrogate repeal or annul by authority
abundant plentiful
abut border on
abysmal bottomless, extreme
acclaimed welcomed with shouts and approval
accolade praise, approval
accretion the growing of separate things into one
acquisition smth acquired, acquiring
adhere remain faithful, stick fast to
adhesion adhering, support
adjacent lying near, next
admonitory containing warning
adulteration making unpure, poorer in quality
agile active, quick-moving
ail trouble; be ill
alacrity eager and cheerful readiness
allegiance duty, support, loyalty
amalgamate mix, combine, unite societies
amendment improving
amplify make large or fuller, increase the strength
annul put an end to
antidote medicine used against a poison or a disease
apprehensive grasping, understanding; fear, unhappy feeling about future
apt well-suited, quick-witted
arboreal of connected with trees
ardently with full of ardour
ardour enthusiasm
articulate speak distinctly, connect by joints
ascend go or come up
ascent the act of ascending
ascertain get to know
asset valuable quality, smth that has money value
assuage make smth (pain, desire) less
assumption smth supposed but not proved
asterisk the mark * (eg. omitted letters)
astringent substance that shrinks
astute clever; quick at seeing to get an advantage
atonement repayment; death of Jesus
audacious daring, foolishly bold, impudent
augury omen, sign
austere severely moral and strict; simple and plain
aver state positevly
aversion strong dislike
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