


2018-01-03 09:42



  Stylistic evidence and laboratory evidence strongly support the claim that the magnificent painting Garden of Eden is a work of the Flemish master van Eyck. Nevertheless, the painting must have been the work of someone else, as anyone with a little historical and zoological knowledge can tell merely by looking at the painting. The animals in the painting are all vivid representations of actual animals, including armadillos. Yet armadillos are native only to Americas, and van Eyck died decades before Europeans reached the Americas.

  2. In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?

  A. The first is a position that the argument seeks to reject, the second is evidence that the argument uses against that position.

  B. The first and the second are each pieces of evidence that have been used to support the position that the argument opposes.

  C. The first presents the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.

  D. The first is a judgment that serves as the basis for the main conclusion of the argument; the second states that main conclusion.

  E. The first is an intermediate conclusion drawn in order to support a further conclusion stated in the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that intermediate conclusion.

  Stylistic evidence and laboratory evidence strongly support the claim that the magnificent painting Garden of Eden is a work of the Flemish master van Eyck.

  风格上的和来自实验室的证据,都有力地支持这样的观点,即大画 G o E 出自弗兰德斯派大师 v E 之手。

  佛兰德斯艺术 [Flemish art]

  佛兰德斯15世纪到17世纪初期的艺术,以生气蓬勃的写实主义和高超的技术造诣而著称。佛兰德斯画派的先驱一般都住在勃艮第大公国的第一个首都第戎。这些大公在1363~1482年间建立了强大的佛兰德斯和勃艮第政治联盟。善良的腓力三世迁都于布鲁日,1425年正式任命 爱克 (1390~1441)为宫廷画师。他的画作代表着早期佛兰德斯绘画的开端,又象征着它的全盛时期。15世纪末,爱克后一代的画家并未一味仿效他,而是面向意大利以求得画面形象结构的发展。R.van der韦登、P.赫里斯特斯、D.包茨、H.van der胡斯、H.梅姆灵和G.戴维等人的画作虽着重创新,但其视觉艺术效果却与爱克相去甚远。16世纪,在H.博斯的影响下,P.勃鲁盖尔(老)将当时的残酷性反映在他的那些生动地描绘了农民生活的作品里。17世纪的大师P.P.鲁本斯精通油画艺术,他的成熟的寓言风格与巴罗克时期的奢华趣味完全吻合。参阅早期尼德兰艺术(early Netherlandish art)。

  爱克 [Eyck, Jan van]

  (1395年前,神圣罗马帝国 列日主教区 马塞克城~1441.7.9前,布吕赫)




  Nevertheless, the painting must have been the work of someone else, as anyone with a little historical and zoological knowledge can tell merely by looking at the painting.



  The animals in the painting are all vivid representations of actual animals, including armadillos.



  犰狳(音 求于,猜你也不会念)


  Yet armadillos are native only to Americas, and van Eyck died decades before Europeans reached the Americas.

  但犰狳原产于美洲,且 v E 在欧洲人发现美洲大陆前几十年就去世了。

  2. In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?

  A. The first is a position that the argument seeks to reject, the second is evidence that the argument uses against that position.

  B. The first and the second are each pieces of evidence that have been used to support the position that the argument opposes.

  C. The first presents the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion.

  D. The first is a judgment that serves as the basis for the main conclusion of the argument; the second states that main conclusion.

  E. The first is an intermediate conclusion drawn in order to support a further conclusion stated in the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that intermediate conclusion.

  选 C



  结论 conclusion:大画《伊甸园》的作者必不是凡爱克。

  理由 1 reason 1:画中动物都贴合实际,包括犰狳。

  理由 2 reason 2:犰狳系美洲原产,但凡爱克死时欧洲人尚未抵达美洲。

  reason 1 + reason 2 => conclusion

  综上,选 C 。




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