


2017-09-28 09:25




  Animals live longer when their calorie intake is restricted to two-thirds of what is considered normal for their species. Animals so restricted are also generally healthier: most disease, including cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative illness, are forestalled. This phenomenon was long attributed to a simple slowing of metabolism (cells’ production of energy from fuel molecules) and consequent reproduction of its toxic by-products in response to less food. In fact, however, calorie restriction does not slow mammalian metabolism, and in yeast and worms, metabolism is both sped up and altered. Some scientists now theorize that calorie restriction is a biological stressor that, like natural food scarcity, induces a more complex defensive response, which in mammals includes changes in cellular defenses and repair.

  1. In the passage, the function of the highlighted portion is to

  A. Provide specific examples of organisms whose longevity does not increase in response to calorie restriction.

  B. Illustrate the probable means by which organisms placed on a calorie-restriction diet compensate for the reduction in available food-based level.

  C. Suggest the mechanism that is responsible for prolonging the life of organism whose calorie intake is significantly reduced.

  D. Give an example that explain why scientists’ thinking about the physiological effects of calorie restriction changed.

  E. Distinguish the different ways that mammalian and non-mammalian metabolisms respond to significant reductions in calorie intake

  Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  2. The passage implies which of the following about the explanation mentioned in the highlighted text?

  A. There are empirical findings that conflict with a presumption of the explanation.

  B. The explanation predicts that the effect of calorie restriction on longevity will be the greatest for the species with the highest rate of metabolism.

  C. The explanation predicts that the effects of calorie restriction will be uniformly positive.


  Animals live longer when their calorie intake is restricted to two-thirds of what is considered normal for their species.



  Animals so restricted are also generally healthier: most disease, including cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative illness, are forestalled.



  This phenomenon was long attributed to a simple slowing of metabolism (cells’ production of energy from fuel molecules) and consequent reproduction of its toxic by-products in response to less food.



  In fact, however, calorie restriction does not slow mammalian metabolism, and in yeast and worms, metabolism is both sped up and altered.


  【mə-'mā-lē-ən, ma-】


  Some scientists now theorize that calorie restriction is a biological stressor that, like natural food scarcity, induces a more complex defensive response, which in mammals includes changes in cellular defenses and repair.


  1. In the passage, the function of the highlighted portion is to

  A. Provide specific examples of organisms whose longevity does not increase in response to calorie restriction.

  B. Illustrate the probable means by which organisms placed on a calorie-restriction diet compensate for the reduction in available food-based level.

  C. Suggest the mechanism that is responsible for prolonging the life of organism whose calorie intake is significantly reduced.

  D. Give an example that explain why scientists’ thinking about the physiological effects of calorie restriction changed.

  E. Distinguish the different ways that mammalian and non-mammalian metabolisms respond to significant reductions in calorie intake

  选 D


  Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  2. The passage implies which of the following about the explanation mentioned in the highlighted text?

  A. There are empirical findings that conflict with a presumption of the explanation.

  B. The explanation predicts that the effect of calorie restriction on longevity will be the greatest for the species with the highest rate of metabolism.

  C. The explanation predicts that the effects of calorie restriction will be uniformly positive.

  选 A


  empirical 经验的,可通过观察和经验证明的

  本文中的 empirical findings 指句 4 提到的,实验观察到,新陈代谢不因进食减少而改变;presumption of the explanation 指句 3 提到的,进食受限新陈代谢变慢有毒物质累积变慢,变慢是一种假设,没有被证实过。标记部分暗示二者矛盾。




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