


2017-09-18 09:30





  Some researchers claim that cetaceans—whales and dolphins—have culture, which the researchers define as the ability to learn from one another. Skeptics, however, demand clear evidence that cetaceans can acquire new behaviors through some form of social learning, preferably clear-cut instances of imitation or teaching. But such evidence is difficult to obtain. While few people doubt that captive cetaceans are adept at imitation or that they reproduce behaviors taught by researchers, biologists seeking insight into cetaceans’ behavior in their natural habitats must rely on deduction rather than experiments. If members of a particular group share behaviors that do not result from genetic inheritance or environmental variation, then they have almost certainly learned them by watching, following, or listening to other animals.

  1. Which of the following best describe the function of the highlighted sentence?

  A. It identifies a factor that complicates biologists’ ability to draw conclusions about the behavior of cetaceans in their natural environments.

  B. It illustrates the kind of deduction mentioned in the preceding sentence.

  C. It explains why skeptics have remained unpersuaded by evidence that has been put forward in support of the claim that cetaceans have culture.

  D. It introduces a claim that would be dismissed by both supporters and opponents of the view that cetaceans have culture.

  E. It notes a previously overlooked factor that might shed light on the question of whether cetaceans have culture.

  2. The passage suggests which of the following about captive cetaceans?

  A. Whether they are engaged in social learning is a subject of disagreement among biologists.

  B. Their ability to imitate new behaviors is more extensive than that of noncaptive cetaceans.

  C. They exhibit few behaviors that have not also been observed in cetaceans in their natural habitats.

  D. They appear to adopt new behaviors more quickly than noncaptive cetaceans.

  E. They exhibit tendencies that suggest a capacity for the kind of behavior that qualifies as cultural.



  Some researchers claim that cetaceans — whales and dolphins — have culture, which the researchers define as the ability to learn from one another.

  一些研究者认为鲸目动物 —— 鲸和海豚 —— 拥有文化,研究者把它定义为互相学习的能力。



  Skeptics, however, demand clear evidence that cetaceans can acquire new behaviors through some form of social learning, preferably clear-cut instances of imitation or teaching.



  But such evidence is difficult to obtain.



  While few people doubt that captive cetaceans are adept at imitation or that they reproduce behaviors taught by researchers, biologists seeking insight into cetaceans’ behavior in their natural habitats must rely on deduction rather than experiments.



  If members of a particular group share behaviors that do not result from genetic inheritance or environmental variation, then they have almost certainly learned them by watching, following, or listening to other animals.


  1. Which of the following best describe the function of the highlighted sentence?

  A. It identifies a factor that complicates biologists’ ability to draw conclusions about the behavior of cetaceans in their natural environments.

  B. It illustrates the kind of deduction mentioned in the preceding sentence.

  C. It explains why skeptics have remained unpersuaded by evidence that has been put forward in support of the claim that cetaceans have culture.

  D. It introduces a claim that would be dismissed by both supporters and opponents of the view that cetaceans have culture.

  E. It notes a previously overlooked factor that might shed light on the question of whether cetaceans have culture.

  选 B

  举例说明前一句话中提到的 deduction 。

  2. The passage suggests which of the following about captive cetaceans?

  A. Whether they are engaged in social learning is a subject of disagreement among biologists.

  B. Their ability to imitate new behaviors is more extensive than that of noncaptive cetaceans.

  C. They exhibit few behaviors that have not also been observed in cetaceans in their natural habitats.

  D. They appear to adopt new behaviors more quickly than noncaptive cetaceans.

  E. They exhibit tendencies that suggest a capacity for the kind of behavior that qualifies as cultural.

  选 E



  强干扰项。关于鲸目动物是否能够社交学习,生物学家意见不同。单看这句话,无比对。但请注意题目问的是 CAPTIVE cetaceans 而不是单纯的 cetaceans,加了 captive 这个限定成分,这句话仍然对,但不如 E 更优。




  错在 few 。我觉得任何一个看过海豚表演(哪怕是视频里看过)的人,都知道它们可以学习一些在栖息地野生条件下所不具备的行为,比如我敢打赌野生海豚不会跳出水面钻一个火圈,野生环境里根本就没有火圈给它钻。


  错在 more quickly,难以证实,同 B 。





  接着作者说,这种证据不好找。(因为就算你找到了一个个例,A 跟 B 学了,你也只能证明 A 和 B 之间存在某种形成了文化的可能,而不是整个鲸目动物都形成了学习的文化。)所以作者说,要支持这个结论,需要依赖推演 deduction 而不是实验 experiments 。然后作者还例举了一种 deduction,即句 5 。


  1 鲸目动物有模仿人或者说听从人类指令的能力和行为?有。

  2 鲸目动物互相之间有没有(非基因或环境因素导致)学习行为?没观察到。

  尽管 2 尚未被证明,但 1 的成立,让有些科学家怀疑,它们已经产生了学习的文化。而让 1 成立的,正是那些 captive cetaceans 。所以说:They exhibit tendencies that suggest a capacity for the kind of behavior that qualifies as cultural.

  所以选 E。




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