2017-07-20 09:43
Influenced by the view of some twentieth-century feminists that women's position within the family is one of the central factors determining women's social position, some historians have underestimated the significance of the woman suffrage movement. These historians contend that nineteenth-century suffragism was less radical and, hence, less important than, for example, the moral reform movement or domestic feminism - two nineteenth-century movements in which women struggled for more power and autonomy within the family. True, by emphasizing these struggles, such historians have broadened the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism, but they do a historical disservice to suffragism. Nineteenth-century feminists and anti-feminist alike perceived the suffragists' demand for enfranchisement as the most radical element in women's protest, in part because suffragists were demanding power that was not based on the institution of the family, women's traditional sphere. (135 words)
9. Select the sentence that includes a qualification of the author's critical attitude toward the study of the historians as they are described in the passage.
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
10. The passage provides information to support which of the following statements about the historians discussed in the passage EXCEPT
(A) They rely too greatly on the perceptions of the actual participants in the events they study.
(B) Their assessment of the significance of nineteenth-century suffragism differs considerably from that of nineteenth-century feminists.
(C) They devote too much attention to nineteenth-century suffragism at the expense of more radical movements that emerged shortly after the turn of the century.
Influenced by the view of some twentieth-century feminists that women's position within the family is one of the central factors determining women's social position, some historians have underestimated the significance of the woman suffrage movement.
These historians contend that nineteenth-century suffragism was less radical and, hence, less important than, for example, the moral reform movement or domestic feminism - two nineteenth-century movements in which women struggled for more power and autonomy within the family.
这些历史学家声称,十九世纪的选举权运动,不如 比方说道德改革运动,或家庭女权主义彻底,所以也不如 后二者重要 —— 它们都是女性在家庭内部争取更多权力和自主的十九世纪运动。
(查不到 suffragism 这个词的解释,但在维基百科中 suffragism 被重定位到 suffrage 条目,所以我在翻译中也做了类似的替换。)
True, by emphasizing these struggles, such historians have broadened the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism, but they do a historical disservice to suffragism.
Nineteenth-century feminists and anti-feminist alike perceived the suffragists' demand for enfranchisement as the most radical element in women's protest, in part because suffragists were demanding power that was not based on the institution of the family, women's traditional sphere. (135 words)
9. Select the sentence that includes a qualification of the author's critical attitude toward the study of the historians as they are described in the passage.
“ True, by emphasizing these struggles, such historians have broadened the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism, but they do a historical disservice to suffragism. ”
qualification 在此不指 赋予资格、证书、许可等动作,而是 限定条件、保留意见,如:
【牛津高阶双解】< I can recmmend him without qualificaiton. 我可以毫无保留地推荐他。>
【AHD】< an offer with a number of qualification 一项附带许多限制的买卖 >
即要求我们选作者不认同那些历史学者的证据,证据就是 true ... but ...,确实(肯定),但 (转折),disservice 伤害(行为),直译是 “ 对 suffragism 做了一种历史学意义上的伤害 ”,不得不意译。
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
10. The passage provides information to support which of the following statements about the historians discussed in the passage EXCEPT
(A) They rely too greatly on the perceptions of the actual participants in the events they study.
(B) Their assessment of the significance of nineteenth-century suffragism differs considerably from that of nineteenth-century feminists.
(C) They devote too much attention to nineteenth-century suffragism at the expense of more radical movements that emerged shortly after the turn of the century.
选 AC
选文中 没有 提供信息支持的。
A 正确项,没支持。句 1 告诉我们,一些历史学者受到了二十世纪的女权主义者的影响,但历史学者们的研究对象并不是这群二十世纪的女权主义者,而是十九世纪的人和运动,完全不同两拨人,差一百来岁呢。错的服气了吧。
B 不选。句 4 告诉我们,十九世纪的人,不论女权主义者还是反女权主义者,都觉得选举权是头等大事,句 2 是历史学者的态度,他们认为不如另外两场运动重要。
C 正确,没支持。at the expense of 在损失或损害了某事物的情况下,历史学者没有忽略另外两场运动,否则他们也不会认为那两场运动更重要了。
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