2017-06-26 09:52
In The Women of Mexico City, 1790 -1857, Sylvia Marina Arrom argues that the status of women in Mexico City improved during the nineteenth century. According to Arrom, households headed by females and instances of women working outside the home were much more common than scholars have estimated; efforts by the Mexican government to encourage female education resulted in increased female literacy; and influential male writers wrote pieces advocating education, employment, and increased family responsibilities for women, while deploring women‘s political and marital inequality. Mention of the fact that the civil codes of 1870 and 1884 significantly advanced women‘s rights would have further strengthened Arrom‘s argument.
Arrom does not discuss whether women‘s improved status counteracted the effects on women of instability in the Mexican economy during the nineteenth century. However, this is not so much a weakness in her work as it is the inevitable result of scholars‘ neglect of this period. Indeed, such gaps in Mexican history are precisely what make Arrom‘s pioneering study an important addition to Latin American women‘s history. (172 words)
9. It can be inferred from the passage that Arrom would agree with which of the following assertions?
(A) Efforts by the Mexican government to encourage education for women during the nineteenth century were hampered by the economic instability of that period.
(B) The most significant advances in the rights of Mexican women during the nineteenth century occurred prior to 1857.
(C) Improvements in the status of women in Mexico City during the nineteenth century were accompanied by similar improvements in the status of women in other large Latin American cities.
(D) Scholars have in the past accorded the most significance to nineteenth-century Mexican literature that supported the status quo in women‘s political and marital rights.
(E) Scholars have in the past underestimated the number of households headed by females in Mexico City.
10. Which of the following best describes the author‘s attitude toward Arrom‘s work?
(A) Uncritical approval
(B) Enthusiasm tempered by minor reservations
(C) Praise for her thesis, despite skepticism regarding the sources of her evidence
(D) Reluctant acceptance, despite lingering doubts regarding the accuracy of her thesis
(E) Rejection, despite admiration for her attempt to break new ground in a hitherto neglected field
In The Women of Mexico City, 1790 - 1857, Sylvia Marina Arrom argues that the status of women in Mexico City improved during the nineteenth century.
在《The Women of Mexico City, 1790 - 1857》书中,SMA 认为十九世纪墨西哥城的妇女地位得以提升。
According to Arrom, households headed by females and instances of women working outside the home were much more common than scholars have estimated; efforts by the Mexican government to encourage female education resulted in increased female literacy; and influential male writers wrote pieces advocating education, employment, and increased family responsibilities for women, while deploring women‘s political and marital inequality.
根据 A 的研究,家庭内外由女人负责的事物比学者估计的更普遍;墨西哥政府鼓励女性受教育导致女性文化水平提高;一些有影响力的男作家写文章支持女性受教育,受雇以及承担更多家庭责任,同时谴责女性在政治与婚姻生活中遭遇的不平等对待。
Mention of the fact that the civil codes of 1870 and 1884 significantly advanced women‘s rights would have further strengthened Arrom‘s argument.
说到 1870 年和 1884 年法典显著提高了女性权利,这也可以作为证据支持 A 的论证。
Arrom does not discuss whether women‘s improved status counteracted the effects on women of instability in the Mexican economy during the nineteenth century.
A 没有讨论女性地位的改善是否抵消了十九世纪墨西哥经济动荡对女性的影响。
However, this is not so much a weakness in her work as it is the inevitable result of scholars‘ neglect of this period.
Indeed, such gaps in Mexican history are precisely what make Arrom‘s pioneering study an important addition to Latin American women‘s history. (172 words)
实际上,正因为墨西哥历史研究有这些空白,才让 A 的开创性研究成为拉丁美洲女性史方面的重要补充。
9. It can be inferred from the passage that Arrom would agree with which of the following assertions?
(A) Efforts by the Mexican government to encourage education for women during the nineteenth century were hampered by the economic instability of that period.
(B) The most significant advances in the rights of Mexican women during the nineteenth century occurred prior to 1857.
(C) Improvements in the status of women in Mexico City during the nineteenth century were accompanied by similar improvements in the status of women in other large Latin American cities.
(D) Scholars have in the past accorded the most significance to nineteenth-century Mexican literature that supported the status quo in women‘s political and marital rights.
(E) Scholars have in the past underestimated the number of households headed by females in Mexico City.
选 E
根据句 2:
…households headed by females and instances of women working outside the home were much more common than scholars have estimated;…
A 经济不稳定对女性地位提升的影响,恰好是 A 书中没有讨论的部分;
B 不知何处得出 prior to 1857 这种说法的;
C 十九世纪其他大型拉丁美洲城市中的妇女地位怎么样,无法判断;
D 乱聊项。status quo 现状,原来的状况。
10. Which of the following best describes the author‘s attitude toward Arrom‘s work?
(A) Uncritical approval
(B) Enthusiasm tempered by minor reservations
(C) Praise for her thesis, despite skepticism regarding the sources of her evidence
(D) Reluctant acceptance, despite lingering doubts regarding the accuracy of her thesis
(E) Rejection, despite admiration for her attempt to break new ground in a hitherto neglected field
选 B
根据最后两句,“ this is not so much a weakness in her work as it is the inevitable result of scholars‘ neglect of this period ”,保留态度,虽然是不足,但也没什么,言下之意因为大家都忽略了,所以 A 忽略也没什么特别;而后作者表扬了 A 的作品,认为它 “ Arrom‘s pioneering study an important addition to Latin American women‘s history ”。
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