2017-06-21 10:52
Scholars often fail to see that music played an important role in the preservation of African culture in the United States. They correctly note that slavery stripped some cultural elements from Black people-their political and economic systems-but they underestimate the significance of music in sustaining other African cultural values. African music, unlike the music of some other cultures, was based on a total vision of life in which music was not an isolated social domain. In African culture music was pervasive, serving not only religion, but all phases of life, including birth, death, work, and play. Music, like art in general, was so inextricably a part of African culture that it became a crucial means of preserving the culture during and after the dislocations of slavery. (126 words)
10. In the argument given , the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?
○A The first sentence introduces the topic of the passage and the last one summarizes the passage.
○B The first sentence presents a thesis and the last one further develops the thesis.
○C The first sentence summarizes the main idea of the passage and the last one paraphrases it literally.
○D The first sentence presents a context for the discussion of the passage and the last one summarizes the discussion.
○E The first sentence presents the negative thesis of the passage and the last one presents the positive thesis.
Scholars often fail to see that music played an important role in the preservation of African culture in the United States.
They correctly note that slavery stripped some cultural elements from Black people - their political and economic systems - but they underestimate the significance of music in sustaining other African cultural values.
学者正确地注意到,奴隶制剥落了黑人的一些文化元素 —— 他们的政治和经济系统 —— 但,学者们低估了音乐在维持其他非洲文化价值方面的重要性。
African music, unlike the music of some other cultures, was based on a total vision of life in which music was not an isolated social domain.
In African culture music was pervasive, serving not only religion, but all phases of life, including birth, death, work, and play.
(phase 阶段、时期,方面)
Music, like art in general, was so inextricably a part of African culture that it became a crucial means of preserving the culture during and after the dislocations of slavery. (126 words)
(dislocation 混乱、紊乱,脱臼)
10. In the argument given , the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?
○A The first sentence introduces the topic of the passage and the last one summarizes the passage.
○B The first sentence presents a thesis and the last one further develops the thesis.
○C The first sentence summarizes the main idea of the passage and the last one paraphrases it literally.
○D The first sentence presents a context for the discussion of the passage and the last one summarizes the discussion.
○E The first sentence presents the negative thesis of the passage and the last one presents the positive thesis.
选 E
A 第一句我们就察觉到作者观点了,不止是引出论题。
B 完全没有 further 。
C 文章第一句抛出的观点,不能叫 summarize 总结,概括,只能叫 assert 或 claim 。
D 第一句不止提出了讨论背景,也亮出了作者的观点。
E 第一句从否定的方面提出论点,最后一句从肯定方面阐述论点。正确。其实是一个观点,先反着说一下,再正面说一下。
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